A Master of Science graduate assistantship is available with Dr. Michael 
Stambaugh in the Department of Forestry 
(http://www.snr.missouri.edu/forestry/) at University of Missouri. This 
project will investigate conditions of historic fire regimes at national 
wildlife refuges located in Oklahoma and Texas. This work, funded by the 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, will be conducted over 2 years and take 
place on 2 to 3 refuges. The duties of this position will include sampling 
trees for fire history reconstruction, wood sample preparation, and 
identification and dating of fire scars using dendrochronological methods. 
Completion of coursework, a thesis project, and peer-reviewed publication(s) 
are also required. The student may build upon fire regime data to 
investigate topics such as long-term forest and fire dynamics or fire-
climate interactions in the southcentral U.S. Competitive candidates for 
this position will have a B.S. degree in forestry or a closely related 
discipline, proficiency in written and oral communication, strong GRE 
scores, and evidence of scholastic success. Prior experience in 
dendrochronology is preferred, but not required. The position will be based 
in Columbia, MO, with field work throughout Texas and Oklahoma. The position 
begins in January 2015.

The successful candidate will receive tuition support and a competitive 
stipend. To apply, please submit the following to Dr. Michael Stambaugh 
1)      personal statement of career goals
2)      resume or curriculum vitae
3)      transcripts
4)      GRE scores
5)      contact information for three references

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a candidate 
is selected. 

Dr. Michael Stambaugh
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Forestry
University of Missouri
203C Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building
Columbia MO 65211
Email: stambau...@missouri.edu
Website: http://web.missouri.edu/~stambaughm/

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