We would appreciate your assistance in getting the word out on this faculty
position available at Oberlin College. Please forward this information to
faculty and recent graduates and post or link the job announcement as

**Tenure Track Position in Cultural Geography at Oberlin College**

Oberlin's Environmental Studies Program seeks to hire a full-time,
tenure-track faculty member at the Assistant Professor level to start
August 2015.  We seek a colleague trained in cultural geography or related
disciplines who will address relationships between ecological, cultural,
and social systems during this era of rapid climate change.  Demonstrated
potential as a teacher and researcher are required.  The hire will teach
sections of required introductory and intermediate level courses as well as
upper level courses related to their areas of expertise.  Applications are
due October 22. A complete description and instruction for application are
posted at:


Apologies if you receive duplicates as a result of cross-posting and thank
you for your help.

John Petersen
John E. Petersen
Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology
Director of Environmental Studies, Oberlin College
*Environmental Dashboard* <http://www.oberlindashboard.org/>

John E. Petersen
Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology
Director of Environmental Studies, Oberlin College
Office Hours: Mon 1:30-3:00, Thu 3:00-5:00 AJLC 107
*Environmental Dashboard* <http://www.oberlindashboard.org/>

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