The University of Georgia's Integrative Conservation (ICON) doctoral program
is accepting applications for Fall 2015. Funded assistantships are available
to outstanding students. The ICON Ph.D. program is open to students applying
to one of four "home departments" including the Odum School of Ecology
(, the Warnell School of Forestry & Natural
Resources (, the Department of Anthropology
(, and the Department of Geography

With the current rate of global change, conservation and management of our
natural resources needs to adapt to a complex set of challenges. Responding
effectively to these challenges requires both disciplinary expertise and
agility to work across disciplines. The University of Georgia's ICON Ph.D.
program is designed to meet that need by ensuring that students gain
disciplinary depth while also learning to collaborate across fields of
practice by engaging faculty from the natural and social sciences to train
students in an integrative and holistic way.

At the same time, this program strives to move beyond the paradigm of
interdisciplinarity by reaching outside of academia to bring together
academics and practitioners. Through internships and collaborative research,
students will interact with professionals engaged in management and
conservation as partners and colleagues. These experiences, along with
training modules led by communications experts, will ensure that students
learn to communicate effectively with those from other backgrounds and
disciplines as well as with lay audiences.

For more information, please contact Nik Heynen, ICON Program Director &
Graduate Coordinator (, at the Center for Integrative
Conservation Research (CICR) at the University of Georgia or visit the ICON

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