A PhD research assistantship is available to study wildfire and landscape 
ecology at the Pine Ridge Biologically Unique Landscape 
(BUL) as part of Dr. Dirac Twidwell’s Research Team at the University of 
Nebraska – Lincoln. The Pine Ridge BUL is a complex 
landscape over 150-km long in northwest Nebraska that consists of a dispersion 
of multiple grassland-forest alternative states that 
have been shaped by recurring wildfires over the past five decades. The student 
will lead empirical and modeling research to 
characterize spatiotemporal reorganization of ecosystems in the Pine Ridge 
landscape, with an emphasis on how contemporary 
management actions have altered the resilience of ponderosa pine forest stands. 

This research project offers a number of unique opportunities for highly 
motivated PhD students:
1.      Findings from this research are expected to serve as the foundation for 
understanding how various ecosystem services are 
associated with spatiotemporal dynamics driven by wildfire in the Pine Ridge. 
Immediate opportunities exist for the student to 
develop a geospatial database linking long term wildfire-vegetation 
relationships to (1) big horn sheep landscape use and 
movement, (2) cheatgrass invasions, and (3) grassland biodiversity.
2.      The Pine Ridge Conservation Planning Committee, consisting of 
representatives from multiple conservation agencies and 
academic institutions, are anticipating that the findings from this research 
will help shape conservation actions. The successful 
candidate will therefore be expected to build relationships with a diverse 
group of agency personnel and communicate results in a 
manner that enhances learning and adaptive management in this landscape. 
3.      The successful candidate will be joining a collaborative group of 
graduate students conducting unique fire experiments 
throughout the Great Plains. Please explore Dirac Twidwell’s research site for 
an overview of existing projects 

The successful candidate will be highly motivated, passionate about scientific 
inquiry, possess excellent writing and communication 
skills, and publish research in refereed scientific journals. The student will 
be expected to lead a team of undergraduate technicians 
to conduct field sampling in remote areas in stressful environments. Excellent 
GIS skills are required. Familiarity with spatial 
modeling and other quantitative statistical or mathematical techniques is also 

Position details:
1.      Start date is flexible. May 1, 2015, is preferred but an earlier start 
date, up to January 1, 2015, can accommodate exceptional 
2.      PhD annual stipend is $24,660.
3.      Term is 3 years.
4.      A full tuition waiver is provided (up to 12 credit hours per semester 
and 12 credit hours during summer sessions). 
5.      Health insurance is provided at a reduced rate.

Students interested in this position should send a statement of interest with 
research qualifications and career goals, GRE scores, 
your most recent transcript (unofficial is acceptable) and a CV that includes 
the contact information for three references (email is 
preferred). Review of applications will begin November 21 and continue until a 
suitable candidate is found. Please send applications 
to Dirac Twidwell (

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