The University of Toronto and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources is 
seeking a postdoctoral fellow to lead a research project on the detection 
and monitoring of wetland fishes at risk co-supervised by Nick Mandrak 
(Toronto) and Scott Reid (OMNR).   

A third of Ontario fish species at risk is found in Great Lakes coastal 
wetlands. Wetland fishes at risk have been negatively impacted by wetland 
draining, aquatic vegetation removal, increased siltation and nutrient 
loading, and invasive species. A priority action identified across recovery 
strategies for these species is the development and implementation of 
standardized sampling protocols for species detection and population 
monitoring.  Data collected using such a protocol are essential for: (i)
delineating areas of protected habitat; (ii) evaluating the success of 
recovery efforts; (iii) tracking trends in distribution and abundance; and,
(iv) setting recovery targets.  The postdoctoral fellow will be responsible 
for conducting analyses on detection probability and population estimates 
for wetland fish species at risk using an existing dataset comprised of 
data collected specifically for these analyses.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Ecology (or a related field) at the time of 
starting this fellowship. Strong quantitative skills, and excellent 
organizational, interpersonal, oral and written communications skills, are 
required. Working knowledge of detection probability, population estimates, 
and associated analyses are a definite asset.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the 
position is filled. Interested applicants should submit a CV and a cover 
letter outlining their qualifications and research interests to:

Nick Mandrak
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Toronto Scarborough
Toronto, ON M1C 1A4

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