
The Central Rockies Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration and
the High Altitude Revegetation Committee
2015 Restoration Conference

March 10-12, 2015
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado         

Call for Abstracts - Due November 28, 2014   

With the broad theme of "High Altitude Restoration Science & Practice," we
are seeking high quality oral presentations and posters by practitioners,
scientists, land managers, students and policymakers to enhance our
understanding of restoration and revegetation in diverse ecosystems using a
variety of methods.

Technical Sessions Topics
* Novel Ecosystems
* Complex Projects
* Forest Ecosystems
* Mining and Energy Development
* Invasive Species
* Grassland and Shrubland Ecosystems
* Wetland/Riparian Ecosystems
* Alpine Ecosystems 

The conference will highlight conventional and innovative techniques ranging
from general methods to site-specific approaches. Keynote speakers will
provide international, regional, and local perspectives on current topics
and methods of restoration ecology. Sessions will be consecutive to provide
the opportunity to attend any presentation of interest. Prior to the
conference, there will be a half-day workshop on topics of monitoring
throughout the restoration process that participants are encouraged to

Conference and Workshop Fees
* Conference: $200
* CeRSER Members $190
* Single Day Conference: $125
* Student Conference: $50
* Pre-Conference Technical Workshop (details below): $40

Registration opening soon

Visit: chapter.ser.org/centralrockies/events/har-cerser-2015/ or
www.highaltitudereveg.org for details.


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