Graduate Student Position in Forest Ecology & Biodiversity--Spring 2015

I am looking for an outstanding graduate student (PhD applicant 
preferred), to examine patterns of plant diversity and composition, and/or 
forest regeneration, in northern hardwood forests of the Adirondack 
Mountains of New York State in relation to gradients in atmospheric 
deposition, soils, climate, and deer browse. Additional research 
opportunities exist within another project on climate-vegetation 
relationships across a large vegetation-climate monitoring network 
established by our lab across the northeastern United States along 
elevational transects on 12 mountains (from New York State to Maine) and 
along the Appalachian Trail Mega-Transect (from Georgia to Maine). The 
position is based at State University of New York College of Environmental 
Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF) in Syracuse (, with 
collaborative partners including E&S Environmental Chemistry, USGS, UC 
Berkley, New York State DEC, and Cornell University Cooperative Extension.

The student will be supported by a combination of research and teaching 
assistantships (4 years for a PhD student, or 3 years for MS student), 
with additional research funding likely pending satisfactory performance. 

The position starts between January 10 and March 31, 2015 (earlier is 
better), and will entail field work preparation, followed by intensive 
field surveys of vascular forest understory plants during the summer 
months (May 1 to August 25), and data analysis in Fall 2015. There is an 
opportunity to subsequently develop a thesis around and beyond the first 
summer of field data and/or other vegetation-climate datasets available in 
the group, and to gain valuable college teaching experience as a teaching 


- MS or BS in plant or forest ecology, botany, or a related field
- GPA >3.5 and GRE scores >70% (lower may be acceptable with peer-reviewed 
- Strong ability to identify vascular plants (especially of northern 
hardwood forests), including the use of dichotomous keys and/or other 
field guides
- Driver' s license
- Ability to work long hours in potentially adverse field conditions over 
a period of several months
- Excellent time management, interpersonal, and team/collaborative skills
- Ability to use GPS, compass, and to read maps/use GIS
- Ability to organize data (e.g., in Excel or Access) and run basic 
statistics (e.g., ANOVA)

Formal applications to SUNY ESF can be made via and their review will start on 
December 15, 2014, and will continue until the suitable candidate is 
found. Earlier inquiries with a brief (1 short paragraph) statement of 
candidate's educational goals and qualifications for the position (as 
itemized above), CV, and three contacts for references are encouraged and 
should be sent to Martin Dovciak (

Martin Dovciak, Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Roosevelt Forest Ecologist
State University of New York, College of Environmental Science & Forestry
459 Illick Hall, 1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210
Phone: (315) 470-6749, Fax: (315) 470-6934, E-mail:, 
Faculty webpage:
Lab webpage:
Research Gate:
Course webpages:

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