Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that this year (March 28-29, 2015) The Midwest
Ecology and Evolution Conference (MEEC) will be held at Indiana University

MEEC is an annual student-hosted research conference held at various
institutions within the Midwestern United States. The conference provides an
outstanding opportunity for graduate and undergraduate students to showcase
their research and network with students and faculty from nearby
institutions. MEEC provides a great environment for emerging scientists to
discuss new ideas, hone presentation skills, and make connections in the
local science community.

MEEC will include oral and poster sessions, panel sessions on outreach and
career development, as well as what promise to be extraordinary plenary
talks by Dr. Cathy Pfister (University of Chicago) and Dr. Alan Templeton
(Washington University in St. Louis). The abstract call and registration are
both from February 1-28. 

Moreover, the annual IU Animal Behavior Conference (ABC), hosted by the IU
Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior, will take place right
before MEEC, from March 26-28. We encourage people with a research interest
in behavior to attend both conferences (plus, registration for ABC is free!).

Get excited for one of the most enjoyable conferences of the year! You can
find more information about the conference at our website
(, Facebook
(, or Twitter (@MidEcoEvoCon).


The MEEC Planning Committee

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