PhD/MS opportunities N.Ariz.U.: Evolutionary ecology/Forestry/Global Change

We anticipate making two offers of graduate positions (PhD and MS) working
on a NSF Macrosystems Biology project at Northern Arizona University,
“Collaborative research: Blending ecology and evolution using emerging
technologies to determine species distributions with a non-native pathogen
in a rapidly changing climate”. This project will be a multi-university
collaboration examining the interacting evolutionary and ecological
responses of Southwestern White Pine (SWWP; Pinus strobiformis) to climate
change and an invasive pathogen from local to regional scales. The project
will be led by Dr. Kristen Waring in the School of Forestry at NAU.

The PhD will be based in the Biology department
( with Dr.
Amy Whipple and will work on aspects of epigenetic adaptation to climate
variation with the opportunity to further develop thesis foci along the
lines of the student’s interests. The MS will be based in the School of
Forestry ( with Dr Kristen Waring and will be
closely involved with establishment and early measurement of seedling common
garden trials of trees from across the SWWP range planted in three different
temperatures.  Funding may be comprised of a mix of RA, fellowship and TA
support and applicants are encouraged to also consider the
Genes-to-Environment Program at NAU
( ). Anticipated start
date for both positions is June 2015. A brief description of current and
previous research projects in SWWP can be found at Please contact us any time for more information (928)714-0409 and (928) 523-4920.
Applications received by January 15th, 2015 will receive first consideration
and faster evaluation.

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