Job Title: Ph.D. applications to work with the wild (feral) horses of Sable 
Island, Nova Scotia: focus on ecology and evolution and/or conservation. 
Location: University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Closing: Will need to contact me as soon as possible to put together an 
application for internal scholarship, due Thursday, March 5, 2015. Start date 
is negotiable, but ideally students would be available July 1 or August 1 for 
immediate field work. Application for the scholarship will require an 
application to the U of S College of Graduate Studies and Research (online) 
well ahead of time, and to meet the deadline for the scholarship applications 
should be submitted asap (small online fee), i.,e., by early February.  
Students must have a record of publication in mainstream peer-reviewed 
journals and GPA of 3.8 or higher (to be competitive for this scholarship 

Apply: Email me a CV and pdf copies of both undergrad and graduate 
transcripts.  Email to  Please write “Sable 
Island PhD” as the subject line. 

Description: We are developing a long-term, collaborative individual-based 
program of research into the ecology and evolution of the feral horses living 
on Sable Island, Nova Scotia.  As part of this initiative, I am looking to 
recruit a Ph.D. student to ask fundamental questions of the population 
ecology, life history, behaviour, conservation, and/or evolution of the feral 
horse population.  I am particularly looking for a mature M.Sc. student that 
is interested in developing a Ph.D. program that will contribute to and make 
use of the long-term dataset my lab is collecting on the life histories of 
the horses on the island, and collaborate with geneticists aligned with our 
program.  This summer was the seventh year of data collection, which includes 
summer censusing and identification of all individuals on the island using 
digital photography, and documentation of individual life histories with the 
goal of constructing whole-island pedigrees. Sample sizes are large, with 552 
horses alive on the island in Aug 2014. Ph.D. students with 2–3 years of 
further data collection will be in a position to ask interesting questions 
regarding the population’s mating system, landscape and conservation 
genetics, individual-based dynamics, band dynamics and dispersal, behaviour 
and dominance, habitat selection, social networks, sex ratios and sexual 
selection, and questions involving traits such as intestinal parasite 
communities, body size and coloration patterns. Trends in the above will 
likely be related to a very strong and interesting gradient in habitat 
quality along the length of Sable Island from west to east, associated with 
availability of preferred forage and access to fresh water (horse density 
drops by half from west to east). We are also very interested in students 
with a background in conservation biology as we are currently developing a 
research theme examining the risks inherent to small populations like that on 
Sable, including inbreeding depression and demographic stochasticity.

Field work on Sable Island is a team effort, and all students must be 
prepared to contribute to common aspects of field work and assist others with 
their projects in addition to working on their own research program. The 
former will include daily walking censuses and photography of horses, 
identifying individuals from digital photographs, database management, and 
collection of samples. All projects on the island flow from the individual-
based study of the horse population, and contributing to the overall success 
of each field season is a requirement. For this particular application we are 
looking for a field team leader, and a demonstrated ability to fill such a 
role will be considered an asset. The successful student must work well in 
teams, deal well with life in a remote research station, be able to travel 
for field work for up to 2 months per summer by small airplane, fishing 
trawler, helicopter, or frigate; accept the limited diet available in remote 
field camps (with communal cooking), and be reasonably fit (as walking 
censuses require lots of hiking). Courses on first aid and driving All 
Terrain Vehicles will be provided prior to field work. Field work will occur 
principally in late summer on Sable Island; further information on this field 
site can be found at my lab website,  

It is important for applicants to be mature enough to develop their own 
insightful questions. That said, our lab is following several lines of 
research that potential students may want to build on. Current students are 
studying or have studied spatial heterogeneity in horse population growth on 
the island, stress as it relates to band structure and dynamics from cortisol 
(from hair), parasites, dispersal, body size, condition, patterns in 
vegetation and successional dynamics, and spatial heterogeneity in isotopic 
signatures from vegetation samples and animal tissues to develop isoscapes 
from seal and seabird transfer of marine-derived nutrients onto the island. 
Opportunities to publish in good journals and set oneself up for a career in 
academia may be found here. Students can expect to publish outside of one’s 
own thesis topic as part of whole-lab research questions.

Preference will be given to students that aspire to a career in academia and 
who have a track record that reflects this career goal. In addition to 
obtaining scholarships, students will be expected to apply for and help 
secure research funding for their own projects.  Students and post-docs with 
funding in-hand are always welcome.

Interested applicants should contact me as soon as possible by email 
(, and be prepared to submit a current CV with 
copies of transcripts.  Website:

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