Dear Colleagues,
The Gulf Research Program is extending the application deadlines for the 2015 
exploratory grants and fellowship competitions. More information about these 
opportunities-including how, where and when to apply-is included below.
Exploratory Grants - Award Year 2015
We welcome proposals from organizations on behalf of all qualified scientists, 
engineers, health professionals, and educators on one of the following two 
. Exploring approaches for effective education and training of workers in the 
offshore oil and gas industry and health professions 
. Linking ecosystem services related to and influenced by oil and gas 
production to human health and well-being 
Letters of intent for this opportunity are now due on Wednesday, February 25 at 
5pm ET. Please visit our grants web page, to 
submit letters via the online application system. Applicants must submit a 
letter of intent to be eligible to submit a full proposal. Full proposals are 
due on March 30, 2015 at 8pm ET. 
Fellowships - Award Year 2015
We invite eligible candidates to apply for the following two fellowship 

Early-Career Research Fellowships will recognize professionals at the critical 
pretenure phase of their careers for exceptional leadership, past performance, 
and potential for future contributions to improving oil system safety, human 
health, or the environment. These two-year fellowships will be awarded to 
tenure-track (pretenure) faculty (or the equivalent) at colleges, universities, 
and research institutions.

Science Policy Fellowships will contribute to leadership development and 
capacity building by providing recipients with a valuable educational 
experience at the science-policy interface. Fellows will spend one year on the 
staff of a state legislature; state environmental, natural resources, oil and 
gas, or public health agency; or regional offices of relevant federal agencies 
in the Gulf region. Fellows will participate in and contribute to the state or 
federal policy-making process.
Applications for both fellowships are now due on Friday, February 27 at 5pm ET. 
Please visit our fellowships web page to 
submit materials through the online application system.
To receive the latest information about Gulf Research Program funding 
opportunities and activities, register for e-updates at

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