The High Altitude Revegetation Committee and Central Rockies Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration joint conference. March 10-12, 2015 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
Conference Early-bird registration fees - End Thursday February 5th $190 HAR and CeRSER members $200 non-members $50 students $125 single-day registration Pre-Conference Technical Workshop registration fee Learning to Adapt: Monitoring Throughout the Restoration Process $40 half-day workshop (March 10, 8 am - 12 pm) Register Today 62AE14AD62770411CCA1 Poster Presentations We are currently accepting poster presenters. Although the submission deadline has passed, poster abstracts will continue to be accepted until all slots are full. Sponsorship Opportunities The 2015 Conference is made possible through sponsorship and donation. Please help support this important event at one of our six donation levels. More information at: