The Hardy Lab at Auburn University ( is recruiting 
one PhD student and one MS student to start in the fall semester of 2015. 
The Hardy Lab aims to document the taxonomic and ecological diversity of 
plant-feeding insects, and to understand the evolutionary factors which 
have generated that diversity. Current projects focus in particular on the 
evolution of diet breadth. The student will receive training in entomology, 
systematics, comparative phylogenetics and bioinformatics, and will be 
aided in the development of an independent research program that relates to 
the lab's research themes. More information can be found at 

Each position will be supported fully through a research assistantship, 
including a competitive stipend and tuition waiver.
To apply, please send a CV and a short statement of research interests  (< 
500 words) to Nate Hardy ( Review of applications will begin 
on 27 March 2015, but the position will remain open until filled. 
Applicants must meet requirements of  admission to the Auburn Graduate 
School ( 

Nate Hardy
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Auburn University
301 Funchess Hall
Auburn, AL 36849
phone: 334 844-1171
skype: llln8lll

Reply via email to