*Learn at Lunch Live Webinar: Bird Friendly Tree and Shrub Pruning and Removal

Date: Tuesday Mar. 24, 2015 Time: 12 pm *MST

Speakers: Janice H. Gardner, Great Salt Lake Audubon Volunteer and Biologist for Ecology and Environment Inc. and Melissa Burns, Ecologist and Migratory Bird Coordinator for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Utah Ecological Services Field Office

Do you know your responsibilities to protect birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act?

Melissa Burns of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Janice Gardner of Great Salt Lake Audubon and an environmental consultant, will discuss how both private and public personnel can avoid "take" of birds during tree trimming, brush removal, and other habitat-altering projects. The webinar will use case studies to discuss basic bird biology, how birds are impacted, and project planning as it relates to professionals in the tree care and forestry industry.

*No registration required! CEUs available from the following organizations: - International Society of Arboriculture - Society of American Foresters Click HERE <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1hb0qL94JGafReYe8O2KTF6zj3BSxbZQ71GkATmP-gWcETT9PeGWByUkI3wqbCOJSclCvcQ_obcmHMl1r00w-r9WiDBdzi_uM3K0fCEv4rYiMLLXpJwf3lIb44oFwEiUR_-mfFCWvRZKnqZn9z4KkOBfY9qn7mmG90Foro_SW9f4ehnojed4U5trGdExcispDXhn6dBA-dN-ZN1fFWhlapA/https%3A%2F%2Fforestry.usu.edu%2Fhtm%2Fvideo%2FWebinars%2F> for more details. Each webinar will have a unique website.

1. Plan to enter the webinar a few minutes early to enter CEU information and answer survey questions.

2. Click on the web link provided for the session: https://secure-web.cisco.com/1hpBGlAGfpRW2MkWCRrwnkrMTSrxZfAFnSNziaLUCaRytYtp6u9X2SVP5HlIYwHi-rb3YawAiyLrhGVn4Tg3Qmw8-VvEovRnxToceULTWJnI1tTqsqrCVgjgbmJmU5Ti-W8gO9BUDKvs-v2qHy7WvigSP-bbdTrmvIC812uEGQtt8Vo-129nSxYWNCVlf4C_mcrZIW2iB5zIBowk23KmHha_qkhgg2VlLEhpXrhB-fPM/https%3A%2F%2Fconnect.usu.edu%2Fr8nkv4xndxr%2F

3. We recommend using Firefox web browser for viewing the webinar

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