Project title: Spatial ecology of seaducks in relation to key habitats in southern New England.
A graduate assistantship is available at the M.Sc. or Ph.D. level to study the distribution, abundance, and movement patterns of selected seaducks in offshore habitats in southern New England during the birds winter and staging periods. Satellite radiotelemetry will be combined with extensive boat-based and aerial-based surveys to determine (a) current distribution and movement patterns of seaducks in southern New Englands nearshore and offshore waters, (b) the temporal pattern of these movements in relation to key offshore habitats, (c) the route and destination of sea ducks departing Rhode Island and migrating to their breeding areas, and (d) how daily movement patterns and habitat use of seaducks affects the designation of offshore areas suitable for wind turbine placement. This study is part of a larger university-state agency-federal agency collaborative effort to designate offshore areas suitable for wind turbine placement while attempting to minimize or avoid impacts to key natural resources. Qualifications: Only hard-working, motivated, intelligent, good-natured persons interested in seaducks need apply. Applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree in animal/wildlife biology or ecology, earned at least a 3.2 GPA, must have taken the GRE, and must have excellent oral and written communication skills. Field experience with seabird capture and handling, techniques for censusing seabirds, radiotelemetry, and GIS is highly desirable. Experience with quantitative analysis and field research is required. Ability to work collaboratively and to supervise research assistants and undergraduates working in the field is also required. Stipends are approx. $25,000/yr and tuition is paid. Starting date is September 2015 or January 2016. To apply submit the following: a letter stating your qualifications and research interests, a resume or CV, college transcripts, GRE scores, and 3 letters of reference by no later than 2 April 2015 (early application is encouraged) to: Dr. Scott R. McWilliams & Dr. Peter Paton Dept. Natural Resources Science, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 401-874-7531; & Graduate students will choose to be trained in the Ecology & Ecosystem Science graduate program ( or the Integrative & Evolutionary Biology graduate program ( at URI. These are interdepartmental graduate groups within our College of the Environment and Life Sciences ( that are designed to provide students with a strong, interdisciplinary and integrative learning environment. Selected candidates will be asked to apply to the Graduate School of University of Rhode Island.