Ruth Yanai is seeking new graduate students (M.S. or PhD) to participate in a 
large collaborative project investigating above and belowground carbon 
allocation, nutrient cycling, and tradeoffs involved in multiple resource 
allocation. The Multiple Element Limitation in Northern Hardwood Ecosystems 
(MELNHE) project has field sites located at Hubbard Brook, Jeffers Brook, and 
Bartlett Experimental Forests in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Since 
2011, thirteen stands have been receiving N, P, N&P, and control treatments in 
0.25-ha plots, with six stands receiving Ca treatments. Research opportunities 
in the MELNHE project include: soil respiration, soil mineralization, beech 
bark disease, leaf production by species,  foliar nutrient resorption, water 
use, mycorrhizae, forest productivity (among species and stand age classes), 
and snail and arthropod diversity.  More information on the project can be 
found at

We welcome inquiries from prospective students interested in forest ecology, 
nutrient cycling, and uncertainty analysis. Applicants should be 
self-motivated, excited to work as part of a multi-investigator project, have 
laboratory and field experience, and be comfortable living and working in a 
group setting. A field crew blog from previous years is available at

The ideal student will be able to start June 1, 2015, to allow familiarization 
with the field sites and our research activities. Starting in January 2016 is 
also a possibility.

Funding will consist of a combination of research and teaching assistantships 
(ability to TA General Chemistry would be a plus). A stipend and full tuition 
waiver will be provided. Prospective students may apply to the Department of 
Forest and Natural Resources Management or the Graduate Program in 
Environmental Science, both at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and 
Forestry, Syracuse, NY.

We also offer opportunities to contribute to uncertainty analyses.  QUEST 
(Quantifying Uncertainty in Ecosystem Studies) is a Research Coordination 
Network led by Yanai and others.  Learn more at

We appreciate communicating with students as part of the application process. 
Students are encouraged to review MELNHE related data and publications and 
supply their own ideas for research in relation to the project. Prospective 
students should begin that conversation by requesting the password for Ruth's 
project materials from Heather Engelman at<>.

Heather Engelman
Research Support Specialist, Forest Ecology Laboratory
Department of Forest and Natural Resources Management
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
B9 Marshall Hall (Mailing:  105 Marshall Hall)
1 Forestry Dr
Syracuse, NY 13210
phone: 315.470.4868<>

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