Graduate/Professional Training - Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation

The Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation, a partnership between George 
Mason University and the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI), is 
offering a full schedule of unique, intensive residential training courses 
hosted in our new, sustainably-built Academic Center on the grounds of SCBI in 
Front Royal Virginia. Most courses can be taken either for graduate credit or 
continuing education units. Limited scholarships are available for eligible 
applicants and reduced fees are now available to applicants from less-developed 
nations. Visit our website ( or email us at for more details about each course, course costs, and 
credits earned.

NEW COURSE: Conservation for Development Professionals: Strategies for 
implementing biodiversity action plans for the private sector (August 10-14, 
Learn strategies for developing and implementing a Biodiversity Action Plan 
(BAP), particularly as they relate to companies involved in natural resource 
extraction or industrial development; international examples applied at the 
national and site specific levels to manage and conserve habitats and species 
will be a focus. Learn how BAPs relate to other development projects, such as 
the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, how they improve biological 
knowledge and information, and the role of education and conservation programs.

Ecology and Conservation of Migratory Birds (September 14-25, 2015)             
Led by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, this course teaches the most 
current methods in the research of migratory birds including theoretical 
concepts, field and laboratory methods (e.g. mist-netting, banding, tissue 
sampling, stable isotope geochemistry, geolocators and radio telemetry), data 
analysis (including distance sampling and mark-recapture statistics) and 
applied conservation strategies. Participants will be mist-netting and handling 
birds nearly every morning of the course, and will also learn to prepare museum 
voucher study skins.

NEW COURSE: Statistical Downscaling of Global Climate Models in SDSM 5.2 
(December 7-11, 2015)
The Statistical DownScaling Model (SDSM) is a freely available software tool 
that facilitates the rapid development of multiple, low-cost, single-site 
scenarios of daily surface weather variables under present and future climate 
forcing. This course trains on the use and application of this decision support 
tool for assessing local climate change impacts, and is taught by professionals 
currently using this technique in their own research. The course progresses 
from download and management of site-specific climate data, to development of 
future scenarios of climate change based on global models, and finally to 
downscaling techniques including quality control and data transformation; 
screening of downscaling predictor variables; model calibration; weather 
generators; analysis and graphing of observed and downscaled data; frequency 
analysis; scenario generation; and time series analysis.

Additional Upcoming Courses:                  
. Practical Zoo Nutrition Management (April 11-15, 2016) - NEW COURSE
. Species Monitoring & Conservation: Terrestrial Mammals (May 9-20, 2016)

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