The following conference
<> workshop
at Ryerson University might be of interest to scholars, students and
professionals engaging with informed opinions and critical analysis in
media. Kindly share this with faculty and students in your department.

The workshop titled 'Scholars as Critics'
take place at Oakham House (55 Gould St, Toronto) on Wednesday, May 27 from
2:30 to 4:30 pm.

Attendees must select Option C here
<>. Registration
deadline is *Friday, April 17, 2015*.

For inquires, send an email to

*Dr Samita Nandy*Director, Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS)
Reviewer, Routledge, SAGE Publications and Wilfrid Laurier University Press
PhD Curtin University, Australia (Media / Celebrity)
MA and BA York University, Canada (Communication)
URL <>: <> |

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