M.S. Research assistantship in mammal host ecology and tick borne diseases at Texas State University.

I am currently accepting one graduate student interested in doing research on the ecology of mammalian hosts and their role to sustain tick populations and pathogens vectored by these ectoparasites. Applicants should be highly independent and motivated. Previous field experience trapping small and medium size mammals is highly preferred (familiar with the use of Sherman and Tomahawk traps). The work will involve some intensive fieldwork with long hours in the field at sites in Texas. Careful note taking and great organization skills to handle data gathering, sample organization, etc. are essential skills. A current driver's license will be needed for use of lab vehicle.

Current research in my lab examines the relationship between mammal ecology and prevalence of disease agents (i.e., Hantavirus, Borrelia, Trypanosoma) in reservoir species and how this changes along environmental and disturbance gradients. The ultimate goal of the research at my lab is to generate models of predictive value of zoonotic disease outbreaks and a main question imbedded within this goal is to determine the role of mammal diversity as a factor of disease spread.

The Biology Department (<http://www.bio.txstate.edu/>http://www.bio.txstate.edu/) of Texas State University (<http://www.txstate.edu/>http://www.txstate.edu/) has a M.S. program in wildlife ecology with an emphasis on the application of ecological principles to studies in wildlife ecology and natural resource management. The main campus is conveniently located in central Texas along the I-35 corridor and close to both Austin and San Antonio. Details about the entry requirements for this graduate program can be found here (<http://www.gradcollege.txstate.edu/>http://www.gradcollege.txstate.edu/and <http://www.bio.txstate.edu/graduate.html>http://www.bio.txstate.edu/graduate.html). Student salary will be through mostly by federal grant support and might involve also support as an instructional assistantship (TA).

Applicants need to meet the entrance requirement for the program, department and university. The highly preferred start date is for Fall 2015 (university application deadline is June 15) but if no suitable student is found right away then the potential start date would be for spring 2016. Given the close date for the university applications I encourage interested students to send their applications asap. Position will be open until filled.

For more details about my lab you can visit my website (http:// www.bio.txstate.edu/contacts/faculty/Ivan-Castro-Arellano--Ph-D-.html ) where I have a description of my research and past publications. Interested individuals should email me, Dr. Ivan Castro-Arellano, to ic13(at)txstate.edu with the subject line: Prospective Student. Please attach a single pdf document that includes a brief description of your research interests and why you would like to join the lab, a CV (including GPA and GRE scores), a scanned copy of your transcript (non-official is fine), and contact information for two references.


Ivan Castro-Arellano, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department of Biology

Texas State University - San Marcos

Supple Science Building 234

San Marcos, Texas 78666

Phone (512) 245-5546

Fax  (512) 245-8713



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