Postdoctoral Researcher in Wildlife Infectious Disease Ecology


We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join an interdisciplinary team
at the University of Georgia studying the consequences of human-provided
resources for the cross-scale dynamics of an enteric pathogen (Salmonella)
in White Ibis inhabiting urban and natural environments in South Florida.
The position, funded by an NSF EEID grant, will be based in the laboratory
of PI Sonia M. Hernandez (Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
and The Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study at the College of
Veterinary Medicine) and will also work closely with co-PIs and
collaborators in the Odum School of Ecology, College of Public Health, and
the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Project background: Urbanization has caused wildlife declines and
biodiversity loss, but some species benefit from resources offered by
human-altered habitats, with consequences for the dynamics of infectious
diseases. The goal of the project is to examine how wildlife use of
anthropogenic resources influences pathogen dynamics across organizational
scales, from the colonization of individual hosts to transmission across the
landscape. Our research focuses on interactions between Salmonella and White
Ibis (a wading bird species) in South Florida. Activities integrate field,
experimental and modeling approaches to address processes at three scales:
(1) individual host susceptibility, pathogen shedding, and recovery, (2)
local-scale transmission dynamics, and (3) pathogen transmission and impacts
on hosts at the landscape level. A general modeling framework will be
developed to examine the net consequences of provisioning for disease
dynamics, and will be informed by fieldwork and laboratory experiments to
estimate key parameters. 

Qualifications: We seek an enthusiastic, motivated, independent individual
with a strong work ethic who has demonstrated experience and future interest
in studying wildlife health and wildlife infectious diseases at the
population and individual levels. Candidates should have a DVM or a PhD in
epidemiology, ecology, microbiology, infectious diseases, or related fields.
Strong written and oral communication skills and a track record of
publications are required. Other desired skills include: 1) ability to work
independently in the field, under periodically challenging conditions, and
coordinate a team to capture and handle birds, 2) ability to manage a colony
of captive birds, 3) experience in microbiology, including culture,
phenotypic and molecular identification of enteric pathogens, 4) an
understanding of stress physiology and immune function in vertebrates, 5)
some familiarity with population ecology and infectious disease modeling, 6)
an understanding of spatial ecology and GIS-based approaches.

Responsibilities: The postdoc will be based in Dr. Sonia M. Hernandez’s
laboratory at the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the
University of Georgia. The postdoc will also work in other laboratories
associated with this project to perform a subset of the following
approaches: Salmonella isolation and genotyping, characterizing the enteric
microbiome, spatial ecology and the use of GIS, immune function assays, and
integrating empirical findings with infectious disease modeling. Other
project collaborators include Drs. Richard Hall, Sonia Altizer, Kristen
Navara, Erin Lipp, Michael Yabsley and Emily Lankau. Collectively, the
University of Georgia supports a vibrant community of infectious disease
ecologists/specialists. The postdoc will have primary responsibility for
co-supervising the fieldwork and captive experiments together with
Hernandez. During years 1-2, the postdoc will travel several times per year
to field sites in South FL. Starting in Yrs 2-3, the postdoc will help
establish and manage a colony of captive birds for experimental work. The
postdoc will also participate in meetings with all project collaborators and
students to review progress and goals, and will assist in mentoring project
personnel, especially graduate students and undergraduates. 

Application: To apply, candidates should submit (1) a cover letter
describing background and interest relevant to the project and include a
separate statement of research experience and interests; (2) an academic CV;
(3) three letters of recommendation from three professional references that
can specifically attest to the applicant’s interests, work ethic, skills and
motivation for a career in wildlife diseases and disease ecology.
Application screening will begin on June 15th and continue until a suitable
candidate is identified. The preferred start date is August 15th, 2015. A
competitive salary will be offered that is commensurate with experience.
Please email with any questions.

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