A graduate assistantship is available for August 2015 or January 2016 to 
work on aspects of root and mycorrhizal fungal ecology in vineyards 
(https://ecosystems.psu.edu/research/labs/root-ecology/graduates). The work 
is in the context of better managing vineyards with cover crops with a 
particular focus on how competing herbaceous vegetation affects deep root 
function of the grapevines. Interested students should have a B.S. in 
biology, ecology or a plant-related field, undergraduate research 
experience and a strong desire to study belowground processes and learn 
about viticulture.  This assistantship is intended primarily for a M.S. 
student but exceptional PhD candidates will be considered.  If interested, 
please send a letter of interest and a C.V. that includes GPA and GRE test 
scores to David Eissenstat, d...@psu.edu and Michela Centinari 
(mz...@psu.edu).   Information on the InterCollege Graduate Program in 
Ecology at Penn State can be found at: 
http://www.huck.psu.edu/education/ecology and the graduate program in 
Horticulture at: http://plantscience.psu.edu/graduateprograms/hort.

David Eissenstat
Professor of Woody Plant Physiology
Chair of the Ecology Graduate Program

Penn State University
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
201 Forest Resources Building 
University Park, PA 16802


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