We would like to draw your attention to an AGU 2015 Fall Meeting Session:

"H024: Cryptic Wetlands and Non-Perennial Streams: Impacts of Headwaters 
and Wetlands on Downstream Water Quality, Quantity, and Ecological 

Abstract Deadline: 5 August 2015

Judson Harvey, Kevin Shook, Grey Evenson, Josefin Thorslund Eriksson

Link to session: 

Details regarding the session are posted below. 

We look forward to seeing you at AGU.

Heather Gall, Nandita Basu, Chuck Lane, Heather Golden [Session Conveners]

*Session Description*
Wetlands not adjacent to streams and intermittently flowing headwaters play 
an important role in the ecological and water quality functions of 
downstream water bodies. These systems store, transform, and at times 
release nutrients and contaminants. They also store and release large 
volumes of water and provide critical habitats and refugia. This session 
seeks presentations on research focused on the relationship of these 
systems to downstream, perennially flowing waters. Of particular interest 
is the degree and timing of hydrologic, chemical, and biological 
connections with downstream, perennially flowing waters and characterizing 
the cumulative effects of such interactions, including elemental cycling, 
water quality, habitats and biodiversity, and surface and subsurface water 
interactions. We encourage research contributions across diverse spatial 
and temporal scales using mutiple approaches, including field campaigns, 
remote sensing, modeling, and spatial analyses.

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