CUAHSI is offering two exciting Hands-on Training Workshops this fall:
Direct-Push Methods for High-Resolution Characterization of Subsurface 
Properties and the Role of Runoff and Erosion on Soil Carbon Stock

Course registration and lodging deadlines are coming up soon! Continue reading 
below for important deadlines.

Travel Support is available to graduate students and post-docs to attend the 
workshops. Grants are issued on a first come, first served basis - don't wait 
to reserve yours!

Questions? Please contact me:
Emily Clark, CUAHSI Training Coordinator<>

Hands-on Workshop on Direct-Push Methods for High-Resolution Characterization 
of Subsurface Properties: From Theory To Field
Sponsored by the Kansas Geological Survey and CUAHSI

Click here to Register now!<>

September 28 - October 1, 2015
Kansas Geological Survey/ University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas

Last day to register is September 7, 2015; guaranteed housing available only 
until August 28, 2015.

This 3.5 day training class will focus on Direct Push methods for obtaining 
high-resolution information about the physical properties and parameters of the 
shallow subsurface, with an emphasis on water-filled porosity and electrical 
and hydraulic conductivity. The training class will consist of morning 
classroom sessions followed by three to four hour field sessions in the 
afternoon. Taught by widely recognized leaders in hydrologic-based applications 
of Direct Push technology, this training will give participants the information 
needed to incorporate this technology into their work.

For more information, and to register,  visit the event 

The Role of Runoff and Erosion on Soil Carbon Stocks: From Soilscapes to 
Sponsored by Purdue University, University of Tennessee Knoxville, and CUAHSI

Click here to Register Now!<>

October 20-21, 2015
Purdue University
West Lafayette,  IN

Last day to register is September 27, 2015; guaranteed housing available only 
until September 20, 2015.

This course is designed to inform participants about the state-of-the-art 
instrumentation and measurements that are available for quantifying carbon 
dynamics in Intensively Managed Landscapes (IMLs) from the soil profile scale 
to the landscape scale. The key processes that define carbon budget in IMLs 
will be examined: erosion, litter incorporation into the soil profile, 
microbial activity/ respiration, and stabilization in aggregates.

For more information, and to register,  visit the event 

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