Position description:

A postdoctoral research position is available through the Sewall Lab 
(http://sites.temple.edu/bjsewall/) in the Department of Biology at 
Temple University (https://bio.cst.temple.edu/) to investigate the 
population ecology and conservation of grassland butterflies in working 
landscapes.  Research will focus primarily on statistical analysis of 
existing data that have been collected over the past 23 years on 
butterfly species of conservation concern that occur on actively managed 
grasslands and rangelands used for military training.  The research will 
focus on ecological data from the Fort Indiantown Gap National Guard 
Training Center 
_gap/7269 and 
2021)  in central Pennsylvania, a 17,100-acre area of working 
landscapes, native eastern deciduous forest, and rare remnant 
Pennsylvania grasslands.  

Primary objectives of the research are to understand the ecology and 
behavior of grassland butterflies, to clarify long-term population 
trajectories and spatial distributions of grassland butterflies, and to 
evaluate the effects of wildfire and prescribed fire on grassland 
butterflies and their larval host and nectar plants, all within the 
context of an active military training installation.  If funding permits 
extension into a second or subsequent years, additional objectives will 
be to create predictive models and develop strategies to improve species 
and ecosystem management at Fort Indiantown Gap, and to broaden spatial 
focus to include analyses of data from military installations across a 
regional scale.

A special focus will be on the regal fritillary butterfly Speyeria 
idalia, a subspecies of grassland butterfly for which the only viable 
remnant population occurs onsite at Fort Indiantown Gap, and for which 
an exceptionally rich and detailed long-term dataset is available.  A 
secondary focus will be on monarch butterflies and other grassland 
butterflies within this landscape.  Opportunities may also be available 
to extend research to a broader suite of species of conservation 
concern, including other invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants.  The 
postdoctoral researcher may also have opportunities to participate in 
mentoring of undergraduate or graduate students.

Fort Indiantown Gap is home to 18 state-listed plant communities of 
concern and over 118 Pennsylvania species of concern. Wildlife surveys 
have documented 40 mammal, 119 bird, 38 reptile and amphibian, 34 fish, 
67 butterfly, and 858 plant species occurring on the 17,100 acre 
installation. Fort Indiantown Gap is also the largest occurrence of 
native grassland in Pennsylvania.


The position will begin on or after October 1, 2015.  The position will 
be a full-time position for one year, with opportunity for renewal 
dependent on funding availability.


The researcher will be based primarily at the Fort Indiantown Gap 
National Guard Training Center, located near Annville, Pennsylvania.  
This center is about 100 miles northwest of Philadelphia, and about 22 
miles northeast of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  The researcher will 
regularly visit the Sewall Lab of the Department of Biology on the main 
campus of Temple University in downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  

Qualifications – required:

Required qualifications are:
-       Ph.D. degree in statistics, entomology, ecology, conservation 
biology, or related field
-       Expertise in statistical analysis and modeling
-       Expertise in Geographic Information Systems and spatial analysis
-       Expertise in population and community ecology and conservation 
-       Expertise in entomology 
-       Experience publishing research in peer-reviewed journals
-       Ability to establish a close and productive working relationship 
with faculty and students in an academic setting, and with civilian and 
military personnel on a military installation
-       Ability to work independently and in teams


To apply, please send:
-       a cover letter describing your interest in and qualifications 
for this position along with dates of availability, 
-       a current curriculum vitae (cv), 
-       pdfs of one or more relevant publications, and 
-       contact information for 3 references familiar with your 

Application materials should be sent to Dr. Brent Sewall by email at 
bjsew...@temple.edu.  Please write “Postdoctoral research – Data 
analyst” in the subject line.  Evaluation of applications will continue 
until the position is filled.

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