I invite applications for doctoral work in my lab beginning fall 2016 in the
areas of biogeochemistry, forest ecology, global change biology and related
fields. Applicants should be independent and highly motivated with academic
research and/or field experience in plant ecology, soil ecology or nutrient
cycling. Funding is available to work on a project at Hubbard Brook
examining the effects of climate change on forest productivity and nutrient
dynamics in northern hardwood forests
(www.hubbardbrook.org/research/climate/templer.shtml). This NSF-funded
project aims to better understand how climate change affects biogeochemical
cycling of nitrogen, carbon and water.

My research program covers a broad range of topics including human impacts
on the global nitrogen cycle, the effects of urbanization on nitrogen and
carbon cycling, nutrient inputs from fog to coastal forest ecosystems, and
the role of disturbances in nutrient uptake by trees. Students in my lab
participate in the interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Biogeoscience at
Boston University (www.bu.edu/bio-geo), which spans many departments
including Biology, Earth & Environment, and Archaeology. The Graduate School
at Boston University guarantees five years of salary for Ph.D. students.

I encourage prospective students to contact me (ptemp...@bu.edu) to discuss
potential projects. Please use “Prospective Graduate Student” in the subject
line. Formal review of applications will begin in our department December 7,
2015, but interested applicants should contact me any time.

Interested applicants can look at the following web-sites for useful

Apologies for cross postings.

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