Dear Colleagues:

This is a quick email to ask you personally to *consider nominating a
worthy candidate for the Yentsch-Schindler Award for early-career aquatic
scientists presented annually by the Association for the Sciences of
Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO).*

The Yentsch-Schindler Award recognizes excellence in limnology and
oceanography by an early-career scientist (within 11 yr post-PhD) who have
demonstrated balanced contributions to research, training, and broader
societal issues.  The processes is simple (2 page nomination + 3 letters),
and the *deadline is approaching (15 October)*, so I am taking a bit of
time to identify potential nominees and nominators and asking that you
forward qualified candidates.

*Who do you know fits this description well and that would be a great
nominee?*  As member of the Y-S committee, I cannot directly participate in
any nomination, however, I am mandated to solicit nominations and feel it
is important to give the process as 'nudge'.  Please help us out by
nominating someone who is deserving of this recognition!

The process is entirely electronic now, so you can submit the documents via
the following awards link

Additional information on the ASLO awards can be found at

*Thanks very much for considering this request.*

ASLO Yentsch-Schindler Awards Committee
Thad Scott, Emily Bernhardt, Laura Bristow, Josep Gasol, & John Kominoski

John Stephen Kominoski
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences and
Southeast Environmental Research Center
Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, Florida 33199, USA

Office: +1 305.348.7117
Lab: +1 305.348.6512
Fax: +1 305.348.1986

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