Title: Graduate Assistantship Agency: University of Florida, Department of Wildlife, Conservation and Ecology.
Duration: Start Jan, 2016 Position Description: Graduate Student - Research/Teaching Assistantship (MS or PhD) in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation available for a highly motivated cross disciplinary individual to fulfill within the Wildlife Rangeland and Ecosystem Program of Dr Raoul Boughton, at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center, University of Florida. The student’s home department will be Wildlife, Ecology and Conservation. Assistantship duties will be based both in Gainesville and at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center that is 3.5 hrs from the main campus of Gainesville, as such personal transportation and travelling is a must. A high level of flexibility will be granted to allow for course requirements and teaching duties to be completed in Gainesville. Research is to be developed by the student in collaboration with Dr Boughton and in collaboration with USDA National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) and will be focused around coyote-cattle interactions and ways to reduce conflict. More information on the Rangeland Wildlife and Ecosystem Program and the Range Cattle Research and Education Station can be found at http://rcrec-ona.ifas.ufl.edu/faculty/Boughton.shtml and http://www.rangelandwildlife.com/coyote-project.html Qualifications: Applicants must be highly motivated, have a great attitude and a strong work ethic. Well-developed oral and written communication skills are desired and the ability to work cooperatively within a diverse team and with private landowners a necessity. Students with a strong interest in agro-ecology and conservation within working rangeland systems are preferred. Excellence in academics is expected and an awarded degree or equivalent in Wildlife, Biology, Conservation, Ecology, Agro-Ecology or related field required. Applicants should possess a valid driver’s license and meet the requirements of admission to the department. Minimum requirements for entry to Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Department and UF Graduate School must be met http://www.wec.ufl.edu/prospective/prospective_letter_grad.php Information on the Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Department http://www.wec.ufl.edu Salary/Stipend: $18,000 - $20,000 plus tuition waiver Application Procedure: Interested applicants should first send a cover letter explaining their interest along with CV, and GRE scores to rbough...@ufl.edu as soon as possible. Dr Boughton will then select applicants to complete full application procedure http://www.wec.ufl.edu/grad/admissions.php Contact: Raoul Boughton Assistant Professor Rangeland Scientist|Wildlife Email: rbough...@ufl.edu Phone: 863 735 1314 Last Application Date: November 30th 2015