Call for Proposals: Ignite ESA, Workshops, Special Sessions, Field Trips

101st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
August 7-12, 2016

Deadline for Submission: November 19, 2015. Only complete proposals submitted 
by 5:00 PM Eastern Time (2:00 PM Pacific) will be considered.

We invite proposals for Ignite ESA Sessions, Workshops, Special Sessions, and 
Field Trips for ESA's 101st Annual Meeting. Join us in sunny Fort Lauderdale 
next summer as we begin ESA's second century with sessions that explore our 
meeting theme, "Novel Ecosystems in the Anthropocene."

With a rapidly changing climate, altered hydrological and nutrient cycles, 
dominance of large regions by agricultural and urban ecosystems, and massive 
movement of species to new continents, the Earth has entered a new epoch 
characterized by human influence. Understanding the basic principles of ecology 
will be more important than ever before, to predict how new combinations of 
species in new environments will develop into functioning, novel ecosystems. We 
encourage proposals that address ecosystem structure and function responses to 
multiple drivers of change, management of developing novel ecosystems, and 
potential benefits and problems that society will face as we progress into the 
Anthropocene Epoch.

Although session proposals related to the meeting's theme are encouraged, any 
timely and coherent subject of broad interest to ecologists will be considered. 
We also welcome proposals that explore interdisciplinary connections with areas 
of social and natural science outside of ecology or that relate to ecological 
education at any level. All proposals will be peer reviewed using criteria 
described in the proposal calls. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Program Chair, Lee Frelich 
( or the Science Programs Coordinator, Jennifer Riem 

To submit, visit: 

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