POPULATION BIOLOGY POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA-LINCOLN is seeking applications for a 2-year postdoctoral position in the Population Biology Program of Excellence.
The goal of the Population Biology-POE Postdoctoral Fellowship is to stimulate synergistic interactions between faculty and postdoctoral scholars interested in the broad area of Population Biology. We are seeking applications from recent PhDs who show promise of conducting cutting edge research related to, and expanding upon, faculty research areas in the Ecology, Evolution & Behavior (EEB) section in the School of Biological Sciences (http://biosci.unl.edu/research-specializations). The POE also seeks to identify potential postdoctoral fellows who will enhance graduate education, serve as a model for graduate students in career development, and promote interactions among faculty at UNL. Qualified candidates are required to submit a single, coherent 2-year research proposal to be completed under the guidance of a faculty member in the Ecology, Evolution & Behavior (EEB) section in the School of Biological Sciences. The position does not include research funds so the extent of contributions from the faculty sponsor should be addressed in the proposal. While in residence, the postdoctoral fellow will be expected to lead a seminar, symposium or outreach project that will appeal to Population Biologists across campus. Applications must include a CV, a 1-page description of previous or current research and a 2- 3 page description of proposed research. Additional proposal guidelines and suggestions should be obtained from the proposed faculty sponsor. In addition, the applicant must arrange for two recommendation letters from non-UNL faculty, and one from the UNL faculty sponsor (a total of 3 letters) to be emailed to the address below. The expected salary will be $45,000 per year with a start date of late August 2016. Priority will be given to applicants who have completed their degree and are new to UNL. Research descriptions for past and current POE postdoctoral fellows can be viewed at http://biosci.unl.edu/population-biology/ Application materials should be emailed to: Dr. Gwen Bachman at: gbachm...@unl.edu. The subject line should read "Population Biology Post-doc application". Applications should be received by January 22, 2016. We anticipate notifying the successful applicant by February 12, 2016. We strongly encourage applications from women and members of minority groups. The University of Nebraska is committed to a pluralistic campus community through affirmative action, equal opportunity, work-life balance, and dual careers. We assure responsible accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act.