Up to ten (10) travel awards, valued at up to $500 each, have been made 
available to support students to attend the 2016 US-IALE Meeting in 
Asheville, North Carolina.  

TO APPLY,* students are to submit all application materials as a single 
document (either Word or PDF):
1.  The application form (download as a Word Document or PDF)
2.  A cover letter (ONE page) containing: 
•       A short description of the student's graduate research and 
relevance to landscape ecology;
•       A brief summary of the student's professional goals; 
•       A brief statement about how this award will benefit the 
student’s graduate studies.
3.  A copy of the student's abstract that was submitted to the meeting
4.  A short (ONE page) Curriculum Vitae. 
5. If applicable, receipt of US-IALE student member dues

Within three weeks following the conference award recipients are 
required to submit a short (1-2 paragraph) summary of their experiences 
at the meeting.  This information is important for obtaining award 
sponsorship for future years.

All US-IALE sponsored student travel award applications are due to Betty 
Kreakie (usiale.travelaw...@gmail.com; Subject: Application USIALE 
Travel Award) by December 22, 2015. Awardees will be notified by early 
February 2016.

Note: Applicants must be enrolled as a student at the time of the 
application deadline to qualify for a travel award.  Students are 
eligible to receive one US-IALE sponsored student travel award per 
degree program.  Sponsored student travel award recipients are not 
eligible to receive NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Awards during the 
same conference year.  Students who are interested in applying to the 
NASA-MSU Awards Program (http://www.csis.msu.edu/NASA-MSU.htm) must 
submit a separate application, following the submission guidelines for 
the NASA-MSU Awards.  

*Please strictly adhere to all directions when preparing and submitting 
all application materials; not doing so will result in disqualification 
of an application.  Preference will be given to US-IALE members. To 
joinUS-IALE or renew membership, please visit 

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