For the past several years I've tried to "express my concerns," to use a 
bland phrase, about the severe neglect and slow abandonment of a state park 
which I've come to know intimately well.  Despite my efforts--first as a 
volunteer, then as a concerned citizen--the park staff have ignored my concerns 
and reacted with sullen hostility, treating me as an enemy to be discredited 
rather than a potential ally in the local community.  

    During most of this year I have tried discussing these concerns at the 
state level with the parks director, but he only repeats the misinformation 
supplied by local park staff, and makes the vaguest of promises which local 
staff are in no hurry to carry out.  At this point it seems clear that the 
state agency involved has no commitment to accountability and no interest in 
ever improving the situation.

    There is a small "friends of the park" group, but it's essentially a social 
club for local retirees, who occasionally hold meetings at the trail center;  
they don't seem to actually walk the trails and they have no real experience of 
the park overall.  The park staff rarely venture far on the trails and have 
virtually no knowledge base for the local wildlife.  (One evening an employee 
claimed to identify "cricket frogs" calling nearby, when in fact they were 
actual crickets.)

    At this point I seem to have reached the limit of what I can do as a 
private citizen; even my FOIA requests are being delayed or stymied on baseless 
technicalities, since park staff know they can get away with it.  For a long 
while I've been considering setting up a small NGO devoted to advocating for 
the park, which might provide more legitimacy to my concerns, and would open up 
opportunities for small grants which simply don't exist for an unaffiliated 

    If anyone has personal experience with this sort of thing, especially the 
financial ins and outs of establishing a small local NGO, I'd be very grateful 
to hear about it.  Please contact me off-list, with my thanks in advance.

                                      - J. A.

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