Dear all, 

Please see below, and pass along to interested folks, an ad for 2 funded PhD 
positions on our NIH funded EEID project: "Spatio-temporally explicit 
estimation of R0 for pathogens with environmentally-mediated transmission".
PhD Graduate Research Assistants (2) in Medical Geography, University of 
Florida, August 2016
Dr. Jason Blackburn is seeking (2) PhD students starting August 2016 (Fall 
semester) funded as Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs) to be housed in the 
Spatial Epidemiology & Ecology Research Laboratory (, a 
GIS/spatial modeling lab jointly housed in the Department of Geography and 
the Emerging Pathogens Institute at the University of Florida.  These 
positions will be funded as part of the NIH-funded Ecology and Evolution of 
Infectious Disease (EEID) project "Spatio-temporally explicit estimation of 
R0 for pathogens with environmentally-mediated transmission". Students will 
be enrolled full-time in the Geography Department at UF 
( This project is focused on linking GPS telemetry 
collar-derived movement data on elk, bison, zebras and springbok to describe 
host interactions and resource selection with data on the distribution of 
anthrax carcasses to model pathogen transmission likelihood in each 
Southwestern Montana and Etosha National Park, Namibia. These doctoral 
students  will be part of a team of faculty and postdocs developing a novel 
discrete-time, spatial and stochastic model that seeks to couple the intra- 
and inter-annual disease dynamics.  Because these models provide a theory-
grounded platform to explore the effects of various disease control methods, 
we are seeking students with interests in spatio-temporal modeling, time 
series analysis with remotely sensed data products, probability, statistics, 
or mathematical modeling of epidemiological processes and animal movement 
ecology (using GPS telemetry data).  The ideal candidate should be 
proficient with GIS and have extensive programming abilities or interest in 
developing them. This is a one-year position with possibility to renew, 
based on funding availability and successful performance. 
Graduate RA duties duties will focus on data management and analysis of 
spatio-temporal animal movement data and time-specific environmental 
covariates, development of resource selection function models (using GLM and 
point count models), developing and implementing agent based or individual 
based models linking animal movements to disease risk. Students at UF will 
work closely with the Ryan Lab (, Department of 
Geography, and the Ponciano Lab (, 
Department of Biology, and Dr. Robert Holt, Biology, UF. This is also a 
collaborative project with Dr. Wayne Getz and students from the Getz Lab at 
UC Berkeley ( - managing the Etosha data) 
with opportunity to work regularly via online meeting platforms with other 
students at Berkeley. There are ample opportunities for co-authorship and 
participation peer-review publications. 
The deadline to apply to the Department of Geography at UF is 31 January 
2016 for this funding opportunity. Students interested in this work should 
contact Dr. Jason Blackburn ( with a statement of 
interest, CV, and writing examples. 
The University of Florida is an equal opportunity institution dedicated to 
building a broadly diverse and inclusive faculty and staff. Searches are 
conducted in accordance with Florida's Sunshine Law. If an accommodation due 
to disability is needed to apply for this position, please call (352) 392-
2477 or the Florida Relay System at (800) 955-8771 (TDD).

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