Please note that two PhD positions are available, both of which focus on the 
ecology of Lake Erie walleye.


Position #1:

Ph.D. Student Position in Fisheries Ecology (1 of 2)

Aquatic Ecology Laboratory

The Ohio State University

Columbus, OH

Drs. Elizabeth Marschall ( and Stuart 
Ludsin (<>) have an opening for a 
Ph.D. student to begin during spring, summer, or fall 2016. The student would 
work on a project designed to better understand how human-driven ecosystem 
change (i.e., climate change, species invasions, eutrophication) influences 
walleye recruitment in Lake Erie.
Project description: Lake Erie's walleye population has declined in recent 
decades, owing in large part to low survival during the egg and larval stage.  
The mechanisms underlying this reduction remain unknown; however, several 
indicators suggest that the re-eutrophication of Lake Erie, the expansion of 
non-native benthic species, and continued climate change are altering the lower 
food web in a way that negatively impacts walleye reproduction.
While we have developed hypotheses to explain how these simultaneous 
human-driven stressors impact walleye recruitment, as well as some possible 
first steps for the project, we are seeking a motivated, creative student to 
work with us and Ohio DNR-Division of Wildlife biologists to identify the exact 
research questions to ask and approaches to be used. We envision a project with 
a blend of basic and applied research, which could incorporate field 
collections (made across the food web), laboratory and/or outdoor mesocosm/pond 
experiments, and (or) modeling.

Location:  Successful candidates will join a dynamic, interactive group of 
students, post-docs, and faculty at The Ohio State University's Aquatic Ecology 
Laboratory ( within the Department of Evolution, Ecology, 
and Organismal Biology (

Qualifications:  Successful applicants will be creative, motivated, and capable 
of working effectively both independently and in collaborative groups.  A 
master's degree in biology, ecology, general aquatic sciences, or a related 
field is required; those with a bachelor's degree and an exceptional track 
record of research or related work experience also are encouraged to apply.  
Strong writing, quantitative, and people-management skills are essential.

Stipend: ~$2,342/month plus full tuition waiver and health benefits. Full 
Graduate Research Associates (GRA) support exists for the degree duration, with 
opportunities to teach (if so desired).

Start date: Spring, summer, or fall 2016.

How to apply: Application instructions can be found at The published deadline is December 
1, but applications for this position can be submitted online until December 
31, 2015. You must apply through OSU's online application site to be considered 
for this position.

Concomitant with your online application submission, please email to<> your: 1) statement of purpose and 
research interests that briefly describes your educational and research 
background, as well as describes your research interests/goals; 2) your 
curriculum vitae (or resume) that also includes your GRE scores (raw and 
percentages) and (if applicable) TOEFL/TSE scores; 3) an unofficial copy of 
your transcripts; and 4) contact information for at least three professional 
references. (Sending these documents by email does not constitute official 
application.) Please place "ODNR-DOW Walleye Project" in the subject line. 
Review of applications will begin immediately.
Contact information: For additional information, visit 
or contact Dr. Ludsin or Dr. Marschall at the above email addresses.

Position #2:

Ph.D. Student Position in Fisheries Ecology (2 of 2)

Aquatic Ecology Laboratory (AEL)

The Ohio State University (OSU)

Columbus, OH

Dr. Stuart Ludsin (<>) has an 
opening for a Ph.D. student to begin during fall 2016. The student would work 
on a modeling project designed to better understand how climate and land-use 
change can affect walleye (Sander vitreus) habitat quality and distribution 
across Lake Erie.
Project description: Lake Erie is experiencing rapid ecosystem change. Owing to 
the combined effects of climate change and intensive agriculture in its 
watersheds, Lake Erie now is warmer, has a longer growing season, and receives 
more bioavailable nonpoint source phosphorus (NPS-P) relative to the past. 
These changes underlie Lake Erie's recent re-eutrophication and likely are 
altering the quality of habitat available for walleye, Lake Erie's top 
predator. With monetary support from the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, this 
project will test multiple hypotheses concerning how human-driven change has 
affected walleye distributions and recruitment across the lake by altering the 
availability of quality habitat for larvae, juveniles, and adults. Linked 
watershed-hydrology, lake circulation, water quality, and walleye bioenergetics 
models will be combined with historical datasets to help Lake Erie agencies 
better understand the drivers of walleye recruitment and distributions, both 
past and present, and also assess what the future might hold for this species 
under expected climate and NPS-P control scenarios.
Responsibilities: The successful candidate would work with a team of ecosystem 
modelers, aquatic ecologists, and fishery biologists to 1) develop predictive 
relationships between lake habitat quality and walleye distributions (e.g., 
spatially explicit fishery-independent and fishery-dependent catch rates), and 
2) use these predictive relationships and output from the linked physical and 
biological models to hindcast and forecast habitat quality and walleye 
distributions across Lake Erie under observed (1995-2015) and anticipated 
(2016-2046) climate and land-use management scenarios.

Location: The incumbent will join a dynamic, interactive group of students, 
post-docs, and faculty at the AEL ( within the Department 
of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology (

Qualifications: Successful applicants will be creative, motivated, and capable 
of working effectively both independently and in collaborative groups. A 
master's degree in biology, ecology, general aquatic sciences, or a related 
field is required; those with a bachelor's degree and an exceptional track 
record of research or related work experience also are encouraged to apply. 
Strong writing and quantitative skills are essential. Modeling and programming 
skills would be beneficial.

Stipend: ~$2,342/month plus full tuition waiver and health benefits. Graduate 
Research Associates (GRA) support exists for the degree duration, with 
opportunities to teach (if desired).

Start date: Fall 2016.

How to apply: Application instructions can be found at The published deadline is December 
1, but applications for this position can be submitted online until December 
31, 2015. You must apply through OSU's online application site to be considered 
for this position.

Concomitant with your online application submission, please email to<> your: 1) statement of purpose and 
research interests that briefly describes your educational and research 
background, as well as describes your research interests/goals; 2) your 
curriculum vitae (or resume) that also includes your GRE scores (raw and 
percentages) and (if applicable) TOEFL/TSE scores; 3) an unofficial copy of 
your transcripts; and 4) contact information for at least three professional 
references. (Sending these documents by email does not constitute official 
application.) Please place "GLFC Walleye Project" in the subject line. Review 
of applications will begin immediately.
Contact information: For additional information, visit<> or contact me at<>.

Stuart A. Ludsin
Associate Professor
Co-Director, Aquatic Ecology Laboratory

College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal 
Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, 222 Research Center, 1314 Kinnear Road, Columbus, 
OH 43212
614-292-1613 Office / 614-795-7044 Mobile / 614-292-0181 Fax<> email / & web

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