Ph.D. Graduate Research Assistantships in Agroecosystems
Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
Colorado State University

Seeking two highly motivated graduate students to conduct research related
to: 1) soil organic matter, water, or nutrient dynamics within irrigated
or dryland cropping systems of the Ogallala Aquifer region as part of the
Schipanski lab group, and 2) soil quality (biology, soil structure, and
organic matter turnover) as impacted by cover crops and grazing in dryland
wheat-based systems, as part of the Fonte lab group. Both graduate
students will be part of collaborative, multi-disciplinary projects that
seek to improve the resilience of cropping systems in the semi-arid Great
Plains. The first position is particularly well-suited for students
interested in a mixture of biophysical, field-based research and broader
policy, social or economic analyses.

Qualifications: Candidates must have a strong background (preferably
M.Sc.) in soil science, agronomy, agroecology, or related field as well as
possess solid analytical skills, high competence in data analysis, and
demonstrated writing capabilities (i.e., peer-reviewed publications). Also
preferred are field research (or related work) experience and the ability
to work independently and as part of a team.

Students may apply through the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences or the
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology.  Positions start either by June 1 or
mid-August, 2016.  Funding is available to cover tuition, stipend and
benefits; however, students will also be expected to apply for
scholarships and other relevant funding opportunities.

To apply, please combine a cover letter (2 pgs max - describing your
research interests, qualifications, and start date availability), CV,
contact info for 3 references, and university transcripts (graduate and
undergrad) into a single pdf file and send to Meagan Schipanski
( and Steven Fonte
( The deadline to apply is Feb 26th, 2016.

Meagan Schipanski
Assistant Professor
Department of Soil and Crop Sciences
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology
Colorado State University 

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