A position is currently available for a doctoral student in ecological 
modeling to jointly work in the research groups of David Liberles 
(http://sites.temple.edu/liberles/) and Brent Sewall 
(http://sites.temple.edu/bjsewall/) in the Department of Biology at 
Temple University (https://bio.cst.temple.edu) in Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania, USA. This is a dynamic and growing department at a major 
research university, set within a large city with diverse cultural 

The successful candidate will focus on the development of novel 
approaches for building mechanistic models of ecological interaction 
networks, and for using these models to derive the structure of 
ecological networks on the basis of incomplete data.   The focus will be 
on building functional ecology models for species interactions in 
ecological communities treated as connected graphs or networks, with 
edges or links reflecting pairwise species interactions. The successful 
candidate will work with the Liberles and Sewall labs to develop models 
that are generalizable across a diversity of systems.  Such systems may 
range from host-pathogen systems with pathogen frequency data obtained 
at within-host scales from metagenomic analyses to mutualistic or 
predator-prey systems with interaction data obtained at ecosystem scales 
and measured or inferred from field observations. The ideal student will 
be either a biologist with a strong 
mathematical/statistical/computational orientation or a 
mathematician/statistician/computer scientist /physicist) with a strong 
biological background.

        To apply, visit:

Applications are preferred by January 15, 2016 or as soon thereafter as 

        It is also highly recommended that interested applicants contact 
Dr. Liberles and Dr. Sewall in advance of application to the program or 
as soon thereafter as possible.  Please include with your correspondence 
a CV, statement of research interests, and contact information for three 
references.  Correspondence may be addressed to daliber...@temple.edu 
and to bjsew...@temple.edu.

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