This message (apologies for cross-posting) is being sent on behalf of Paul
Skelley (Entomology Section Administrator, Florida State Collection of
Arthropods (FSCA)) and Zachary Prusak (Zachary Prusak, Florida Fire Manager
for the Nature Conservancy) who are working on getting all of the donated
books that the FSCA has out to the greater entomological world (and even
beyond) in two ways. One, a much more organized "come on by and purchase
books" at the FSCA, and some on ebay. The main purpose of this will be
dedicated to raising funds for the Center for Systematic Entomology (CSE) (

Here are links to some of the books currently for sale on ebay with more to

"Monograph of North American Proctotrypidae" Ashmead 1893

"African Genera of Acridoidea" Dirsh 1965

For the past 20 years the CSE has served as a non-profit corporation
designed to further systematics in its broadest sense. The CSE has
supported the FSCA in many ways, including: purchases of computer software,
library materials, museum study trips, labor for bulk sample sorting, and
has even provided a number of grants for specialists to study at the FSCA.


Derek A. Woller

Ph.D. Candidate in Entomology, and Lab Manager
The Song Laboratory of Insect Systematics and Evolution
Dept. of Entomology, Texas A&M University

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