2-year Postdoctoral Associate Position, Mpala Research Centre, Kenya, and the 
University of Florida. 
The Palmer Lab (www.thepalmerlab.com <http://www.thepalmerlab.com/>) is 
anticipating an opportunity for a post-doctoral associate in the Department of 
Biology at the University of Florida.
We are seeking a postdoc to conduct research on the consequences of mutualism 
disruption by an invasive ant in Laikipia, Kenya. In Laikipia, native mutualist 
ants defend the dominant tree Acacia drepanolobium from browsing by wild 
mammals, including elephants, which can destroy whole trees. In return, trees 
provide food (nectar) and housing (swollen thorns). The invasive big-headed ant 
is disrupting this mutualism by killing native ant species, leaving the trees 
undefended against the destructive effects of elephants and other wild 
browsers. In the absence of browsing, however, trees may benefit from the 
invasive ant because it does not consume metabolically costly nectar rewards. 
We are interested in the consequences of this mutualism disruption for savanna 
dynamics, particularly as they relate to tree cover and demography. 
The post-doc will spend at least 6 months of the year in the field in Kenya 
based at Mpala Research Centre (www.mpala.org), and the remainder at the 
University of Florida, and will assist with the teaching of a field ecology 
class in Kenya in May. While the post-doc will be involved in the primary goals 
of the proposed research, he or she will also have the opportunity to develop 
research that complements the core focus of the project.
Desired qualifications of the Postdoc: (1) a Ph.D. in ecology, wildlife 
biology, or a similar field; (2) a strong publication record; (3) excellent 
references; (4) demonstrated abilities in writing, oral communication, and 
statistical skills; (5) experience working independently in remote field sites; 
(6) intellectual creativity and self-motivation to conceive, design, and 
implement independent work under remote field conditions; and (7) demonstrated 
ability in communicating with rural landowners and other stakeholders. 
International experience is a plus.
 The postdoc will be advised by Dr. Todd Palmer (http://www.thepalmerlab.com 
<http://www.thepalmerlab.com/>); our lab focuses on a variety of ecological 
questions, primarily in the ecology and evolution of mutualism, and the 
consequences of extinction for savanna ecosystems. Field research will entail 
6+ months per year for two years at the Mpala Conservancy and Ol Pejeta 
Conservancy in Laikipia, Kenya. This project is being conducted in 
collaboration with Drs. Jake Goheen and Corinna Riginos.

To apply for this position, please send a single pdf attachment (file name 
formatted as lastname_firstname_postdoc.pdf) to t...@ufl.edu 
<mailto:jgoh...@uwyo.edu> containing (1) a cover letter/statement of interest; 
(2) a CV; (3) copies of graduate transcripts; (4) up to 3 relevant 
publications; and (5) contact information for three references. Please use the 
subject header “Postdoctoral associate application”. Review of applications 
will begin 20 January 2016. We expect the postdoc will commence work in Summer 
or Fall 2016.    

Corinna Riginos, Ph.D.
Research Ecologist
phone: 307-413-2280

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