5th Iowa State University Summer Symposium on Science​ 
Confronting the challenges of public participation in environmental, planning 
and health 
3-4 June 2016; Ames, Iowa
Submission deadline:  January 29, 2016

In January 2014, the editor of the leading journal Public Understanding of 
acknowledged that his publication has transitioned from the focus suggested by 
its name to a 
new focus on public engagement. Still, he wrote: "the meaning of this 
transition is not 
unambiguous." The purpose of this conference is to explore these ambiguities, 
in a 
supportive, yet critical examination of the processes, outcomes and impacts of 
participation in decision-making in natural resources, planning and health 
contexts. A variety 
of fields have taken up the call to develop new forms of interaction between 
experts and 
decision-makers, on one hand, and community residents, patients, landowners, 
representatives and other affected publics on the other. This expanding area 
for research and 
practice goes under a variety of names:  public participation, deliberation, 
consensus communication, collaborative governance, participatory modeling, 
citizen science, 
among others. Significant creativity has been invested in developing specific 
indeed, Rowe and Frewer (2005) list 113 mechanisms. We propose to explore both 
and normative issues in the design, implementation and assessment of public 
processes. Public participation is widely expected to be “better”:  to lead to 
better physical 
and social science (e.g., better models), better social outcomes (e.g., trust, 
collaboration), and 
better decisions on environmental, health and planning issues. Our goal is to 
promote a 
conversation that asks:  better in what ways, compared to what, and measured 

We invite contributions from relevant disciplines including communication, 
rhetoric, human 
dimensions of natural resources, planning, science and technology studies, 
history & 
philosophy of science, psychology, sociology, etc.--as well as from scientists 
who have been 
involved in participation exercises; using approaches including conceptual 
analysis, case 
studies, qualitative and quantitative methods. Possible foci include:
- defining the boundaries of public participation as situated between public 
consultation and 
social movements;
- articulating key assumptions of public participation such as 
“transparency,” “stakeholder,” “democracy,” “expertise” and of course “public” 
“participation” themselves;
- incorporating, accommodating and managing indecorous voices, deep 
skepticisms and irreconcilable conflicts in public participation mechanisms;
- exploring the affordances of new technologies and media to support public 
exploring defensible and practical mechanisms for assessing participatory 
including by defining what “better” means in these contexts;
- documenting connections between the public participation processes, their 
outcomes on participants and their long-term impacts on environment, health, 
- developing sustainable institutions for public participation;
- linking public participation activities with curricula in secondary and 
higher education.

Proceedings of the workshop will be published in print-on-demand and electronic 
formats. For 
consideration, submit to Jean Goodwin (good...@iastate.edu) by January 29, 
2016:  (a) a 
blinded 250-500 word abstract with an additional 5-10 item bibliography, and 
(b) a separate 
cover page with complete affiliation and contact information.  Please also 
indicate the 
expected status of the work to be presented (from early overview to completed 
study); note 
that this will not affect acceptance, as we look forward to promoting dialogue 
among scholars 
at different stages.  For further information, 
symposia/2016-summer-symposium/ or contact Dara Wald (dw...@iastate.edu) or 
Hunt (kph...@iastate.edu ).

Program Planning committee: Dara Wald and Kathleen Hunt (Iowa State University) 
with S. 
Scott Graham (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).  Organizing committee:  
Dahlstrom and Jean Goodwin (Iowa State University).

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