The ESA Sci Comm Section is seeking 10 brave ecologists to give Ignite
talks about their research using only the 1000 most common words in the
English language. We were inspired by the xkcd comic <>
and a similar session hosted by the Sharing Science program
at AGU’s Fall 2015 meeting.

Check out this blog
post explaining more about the session and our rationale.

Please consider signing up today via our Google form ( -- We need to line up speakers (and
abstracts) by February 12!

Already planning to give a talk or poster? No problem! Ignite sessions are
exempt from the one presentation rule at ESA meetings. Anyone who is the
presenter in the session may also present in another scientific session
(symposium, organized oral, organized poster, contributed talk, contributed
Holly Menninger
Chair, ESA Sci Comm Section

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