Field Projects International's Community Parasitology/Primate Disease
Ecology program involves 11 primate species on site at Los Amigos Biological
Field Station in Peru. We are looking for highly motivated and driven field
assistants, and previous experience is not required; we provide all training
on site. This is a great opportunity for students interested in graduate
programs or careers in biology, conservation, ecology or anthropology. This
kind of fieldwork is physically demanding and requires long days of hiking
and data collection, but it is incredibly rewarding.

Read more about this program here: 

At the end of the program, research assistants will be able to:

-- Track primates by movement and vocalizations, as well as radio telemetry

-- Work off trail systems, and conduct full-day follows

-- Conduct behavioral observations on known-individuals (scan and focal
animal sampling) 

-- Record data on feeding ecology

-- Correctly sex individual primates

-- Collect GPS data on species movements to create a large, overarching
primate movement database.

-- Become proficient in collecting and storing primate fecal samples in
field conditions, including participating in downstream applications like
endocrinology and parasite analyses.

-- Input sample and movement information into databases for further analyses.

START DATES: June 10th and July 10th, 2016



PROGRAM FEE: $450/week

WHERE: The Los Amigos Biological Field Station in Southeastern Peru 


- All applications are accepted on a rolling basis. That means that it is
advisable to apply immediately for these programs. Do not wait until April
17, 2016 to apply.

- We strongly recommend that students also attend the short course in
tropical field biology starting on May 20th, 2016
This course will provide students grounding in the natural history of the
flora and fauna at this site. *If an RA takes the course in May, they get a
reduction in course cost of $400.

- Assistants will have the opportunity during days off to explore various
attractions at the field site, such as climbing the canopy tower or looking
for endangered giant river otters at Cocha Lobo.


We are currently recruiting participants with the following requirements:

-- Participants must be at least 18 years of age by the time the training
program begins.

-- Participants must demonstrate a grounding or strong interest in zoology,
biology, or anthropology.

-- Previous field experience is not required, but previous research
experience (either outdoors or in the laboratory) will be a plus.

-- Participants must be able to justify why this program is important to
them and what they hope to gain from it.

-- Participants must provide a letter of recommendation from a source that
can substantiate the participant's experience and skills.

-- Participants must be unafraid of insects, reptiles and the jungle in general.

-- Participants must be in good physical condition, with the capability to
walk 4 miles in 2 hours while carrying field equipment.

-- Participants will not be discriminated against for medical conditions
they might have if we determine that being on this project will not pose an
immediate risk to their health.

-- Participants must demonstrate willingness to adjust their schedule to
primate daily activity patterns. This can require waking up early, sometimes
by 5 am, and going to bed early.

-- Due to the nature of the work and weather constraints, participants MUST
be willing to be flexible about their days off. Assistants will typically
have one day off per week; however we cannot guarantee a set schedule each week.

-- Participants must sign waivers of liability for this project and for the
field station before their participation in the project is finalized.

-- Participants must be willing to maintain long hours in the field, but
also return to complete data entry in the evenings.

Please see our website ( for all payment and
cancellation policies, as well as other research opportunities with Field
Projects International/PrimatesPeru.

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