Dear colleague,

With this message, we would like to remind you about our call for participation in a survey on the performance of GPS collars in wildlife research which was sent around during November and December of last year.

To produce a resource reporting success rates of GPS-collars under different conditions all over the world, we are looking for information on fix success rates of GPS-collars in projects of all sizes and in all locations. Projects that remained unpublished in scientific literature are especially needed, but information from published studies is welcomed too. If you have run projects using GPS-collars, and you want your deployment data to contribute to an evaluation of this wildlife research technique, please leave us your contact details using this short form, and we'll be in touch with you in the near future for a follow-up questionnaire. For clarity: we are only interested in the deployment information, not in any ecological data resulting from the deployment.

We have received a fair amount of interest, and we want to thank those who have already filled out the form. The follow-up questionnaire will be sent out soon. Nonetheless, we are still looking for a wider geographic scope, and we hope this reminder will encourage further responses from all corners of the world.

We thank you in advance for your collaboration, and look forward to hearing from you.

Please feel free to share this reminder with anyone who might be interested.

Maarten P.G. Hofman1,2, Matthew W. Hayward2 and Niko Balkenhol1
1 Dept. of Wildlife Sciences, University of Göttingen, Germany
2 School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor University, Wales, UK

For more information about this survey:
Maarten Hofman – +49 (0)155 39 33583 – maarten.hof...@forst.uni-goettingen.de

We apologize for any cross-posting.
In case the link in the mail body does not work, try copy-pasting the following survey URL into your browser: 0/viewform?usp=send_form

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