We are pleased to announce that the 17th annual Society for Conservation 
Biology Bay Area 
Symposium will be held on Saturday May 7th on the Stanford campus. The 
symposium is an event for 
conservation researchers to present their work in a fun, interdisciplinary 
setting. The general public, 
students, academic researchers, and conservation professionals from any 
institution in any related 
field are welcome to participate. We have several exciting keynote speakers 
this year: Peter Kareiva 
(UCLA, The Nature Conservancy), Michelle Marvier (Santa Clara University), and 
John Terborgh (Duke). 
We are hoping to get a broad representation of research and disciplines in 
order to create a 
collaborative community of researchers focused on all aspects of conservation 
science. We have just 
begun event registration and abstract submission at our website 
http://www.cbs2016.org. The 
deadline to submit an abstract (poster or oral presentation) is March 25th, and 
the deadline to 
register for the event is April 18th. Please visit our website for more 
details. Thanks and we hope to 
see you there!

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