The Early Career Ecologist Section is now accepting nominations mentors to
potentially work 1-on-1 with early career mentees in the Early Career
Mentoring Program to take place during the ESA 2016 Annual Meeting. If you
are interested and excited about mentoring, please consider volunteering!
Mentors wanted representing diverse career paths: academic, government,
non-profit, industry, and others. More information below and on our website:

Time and Place:
7-12 August 2016, Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting, Ft.
Lauderdale, FL, USA

Conferences provide unique opportunities for biologists to interact with
others in their field; however, these opportunities are rarely structured to
promote meaningful interactions between the next generation of integrative
ecologists and more senior scientists. Access to strong mentors both within
and outside of their main institution is critical for early career ecologist
support and for gaining the necessary skills to become a good mentor and to
move towards the next career stages. Our semi-formal mentoring program pairs
early career ecologists – advanced graduate students (within 1 year of
graduating) and recent post-graduates (within 3 years of obtaining their
degree) – with established ecologists (across career pathways) for the week
of the 2016 ESA Annual Meeting. 

Specifically, 10 early career ecologists who apply for the program will
receive funding to partially cover the cost of registration and will receive
one-on-one mentoring during the ESA Annual Meeting. Selected participants
will choose a mentor from our “Mentor Pool”: a diverse group of established
ecologists, across career paths, who will be attending ESA, have reputations
as strong mentors, and have volunteered for the opportunity to meet with
early career ecologists.

Mentors Needed:
Volunteer mentors across career pathways (e.g., research, teaching,
government, nonprofit) will be asked to interact with early career
ecologists seeking mentorship in professional development and work-life
challenges. Mentors will be placed in a “Mentor Pool” for the potential to
mentor one of the 10 early career participants. If paired with a specific
mentee, mentors will be asked to:

1) attend a mentee’s ESA talk and to provide positive, but critical,
evaluation and advice on presentation and communication, 
2) designate quality time (at least one hour) for one-on-one interactions
with the mentee, 
3) be open-minded towards discussing broader work-life issues, if the mentee
wishes, and to 
4) be open towards continuing to provide the mentee with opportunities to
expand their mentoring or collaboration networks after the meeting has ended. 

All mentors must commit to attending at least 3 full days of the ESA meeting
and are strongly encouraged to participate in one or more events aimed at
the broader early career ecologist group (e.g., informal mixers, workshops
or discussions on professional development; specific events TBA).

How to become a Mentor!
If you are interested in becoming a potential ESA Mentor and will be
attending the 2016 meeting, or would like to nominate a colleague, please
contact the Early Career Ecologist Section at, stating
your interest and motivations, no later than 8 pm PST on April 22, 2016.
Please include “2016 Early Career Mentor” in the email subject line. 

For more information:
Email: Early Career Ecologist Section (
Twitter: @ESA_EarlyCareer

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