Forwarding for a colleague; please respond to Dr. Yrjo Grohn

Faculty Position in Epidemiology at Cornell

The Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences in the College
of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University invites applications for a 12
month salaried tenure track position in Epidemiology. The successful
candidate will be expected to develop a creative independent extramurally
funded research program, teach high quality coursework in epidemiology in
the professional DVM and graduate student curricula, and provide
consultations and collaborations with members of the department and college.
Applicants must have a PhD in a discipline that employs epidemiology to
address basic and/or applied scientific questions relevant to the mission of
the college. Applicants with a DVM/MD or equivalent degree will be
preferred, although exceptional PhD candidates will be considered.
Specific areas of strength within the department and the college include the
epidemiology of production and companion animals, shelter medicine, food and
waterborne diseases, wildlife health, diagnostic sciences, and genetics.
Salary and rank will be commensurate with previous experience and credentials.

For more information about the position or search, please contact Dr. Yrjö
Gröhn, Faculty Search Committee Chair, at Faculty
Prospective candidates should upload their application materials (cover
letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy [max. 2 pages],
and future research interests [max. 4 pages]) to AJO job number 6842,
together with 3 letters of reference. The search committee will begin
considering complete applications on February 1, 2016 and will continue
until the position is filled. 

Yrjo T. Grohn, DVM, PhD, Dipl ECVPH
James Law Professor of Epidemiology  
Department of Population Medicine                
and Diagnostic Sciences                   Telephone:      607-253-4394
College of Veterinary Medicine            Cellular phone: 607-592-0944
Cornell University                        Facsimile:      607-253-3440
Ithaca, NY 14853                          E-Mail:

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