Modeling wildlife, ecosystem service responses to Juniperus invasions and 
landscape restorations

A Ph.D. research assistantship is available to study wildlife and ecosystem 
service responses to juniper 
invasions, the loss of grasslands and their potential recovery following 
landscape restorations. The 
position will be located within the Institute of Agriculture and Natural 
Resources at the University of 
Nebraska – Lincoln in the labs of Dirac Twidwell and Craig Allen.

The goal of this project is to compile existing data and information to explore 
new ways that wildlife 
and, more broadly, ecosystem services respond to woody invasions and management 
interventions at 
local, landscape, and continental scales. Years of monitoring data exist to 
assess the responses of 
juniper management interventions on wildlife (e.g. grouse and other grassland 
birds), but these data 
have not yet been analyzed at a statewide level in Nebraska to inform (i) 
whether current approaches 
to managing juniper invasions is sustaining or restoring wildlife populations, 
and (ii) how to best adapt 
management strategies, if warranted, in order to meet sustainability targets. 
In addition, a full 
ecosystem service assessment is needed to establish how juniper invasion 
affects resource benefits 
that society receives from the environment. The ideal candidate will use 
quantitative techniques for 
evaluating ecosystem services as a result of juniper invasions transforming 
native ecosystems (e.g. 
grasslands) to a juniper-dominated state.

Additional information:
In 2014, the Nebraska Conservation Roundtable, a panel consisting of state, 
federal and private 
conservation groups, identified Juniperus virginiana invasion as the biggest 
threat to conservation 
values in Nebraska. Those groups are anticipating the findings from this 
research project will shape 
future conservation actions and provide innovative solutions that reprioritize 
existing programs. The 
successful candidate will therefore be expected to build relationships with a 
diverse group of agency 
personnel and communicate results in a manner that enhances learning and 
adaptive management in 
this landscape.

Successful candidates will be joining a collaborative group of graduate 
students conducting unique 
experiments studying fire-invasion dynamics throughout the Great Plains. 
Students are given 
opportunities for cross-project collaborations and to pursue independent 
research interests.

Contact and application information:
Students interested in this position should send a statement of interest with 
research qualifications 
and career goals, GPA and GRE scores, your most recent transcript (unofficial 
is fine) and a CV that 
includes contact information for three references (email preferred). Please 
send applications to Dirac 
Twidwell ( Start date is flexible but anticipated to be 
between May 2016-
January 2017. Full funding is available for 4 years. The stipend rate for 2016 
is $25,200. Full tuition 
waiver and graduate student health benefits are provided. Review of 
applications will begin March 10, 
2016, and continue until a qualified candidate is identified.

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