Reference : W16- 16 - 083
Release date : 05/02/2016
Deadline for receipt of applications : 13 mars 2016

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Job description:
The French Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer, France) contributes to the knowledge of the oceans and their resources, to monitoring of marine and coastal environments and to the sustainable development of marine activities. To these ends, Ifremer conceives and operates tools for observation, experimentation and monitoring, and manage the oceanographic databases.

The DYNECO (Dynamics of Coastal Ecosystems) research unit is one component of the « Oceanography and Ecosystems Dynamic » department and has for main objective to study how coastal ecosystems respond to anthropogenic or natural pressures. DYNECO conducts scientific and expert assessment activities in this field. The global approach rests on the analysis of physical and biogeochemical processes and is based on experimentations, in-situ observations and modelling. The main research areas concern : i) dissolved and particulate matter fluxes within marine coastal ecosystems , ii) diversity, functioning and future of communities and of their habitats, iii) perturbation at population scale.

Within DYNECO, the Coastal Benthic Ecology Laboratory (LEBCO) focuses its researches on the explanation of the structures and the associated functionalities of benthic coastal ecosystems in relation with environmental pressures. The structuring of benthic habitats depends on physical (hydrodynamic, sediment) and hydrological (temperature, turbidity, oxygen, organic matter…) parameters but also on species interactions. Based on studies regarding ecophysiology, behavior of benthic organisms, which are carried on in LEBCO but also in other research units, and under the responsability of the head of LEBCO, the researcher will develop benthic ecosystem mechanistic models in order to simulate benthic habitat responses to natural and/or anthropogenic change of environment.

More specifically, the researcher will:
- Explain the space-and time dynamics of benthic communities of the French continental shelf with a modelling approach. He/she will be expected to develop and use several kinds of models (ecophysiology, population dynamics,…) for benthic organisms and/or for functional groups and to couple them preferentially to Ifremer modelling platform (ECO-MARS3D) which provides the main physical and biological characterictics of coastal ecosystems (hydrodynamic, primary production, sediment dynamics). - Propose and design oceanographic campaigns and/or experimentations in the field or in the lab in order to collect data for model improvement, calibration and validation.
- Apply for grant proposals (at regional, national or European scale).

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