Robert Cooper Audubon Society Fox Student Grant Funding Guidelines
The Robert Cooper Audubon Society (RCAS) awards funds for bird-centered student 
projects through a generous donation provided by RCAS members Josie and Geoff 
Fox. The 
Fox Student Grant will provide an undergraduate or graduate degree seeking 
student with up 
to $1000 to purchase supplies and/or support for travel and field research 
expenses. The 
deadline for submission of proposals is 5 pm EST, April 1, 2016. Recipients of 
grants will be 
announced no later than April 15, 2016. No late submissions will be accepted.
To be considered for funding, the student must be an undergraduate or graduate 
seeking student from an accredited university or college. The research proposal 
must focus 
on bird species native to Indiana, including migratory species that breed in 
Indiana. Proposals 
for study of habitat critical to breeding and wintering grounds of said species 
will also be 
Application Procedure
Proposals should be submitted electronically, either single- or double-spaced, 
with a font size 
no smaller than 11 and with 1” margins. Each eligible proposal will contain the 
A cover page giving the proposal title; amount requested; name of student and 
supervisor; mailing and email addresses; and the name and address of the 
institution to whom 
the check should be sent (award checks will not be sent out to an individual).
An abstract of no more than 300 words.
A narrative of no more than three pages. The narrative will include a) a 
description of the 
problem or research question to be studied and justification of the 
conservation need your 
research is intended to address, b) a brief review of supporting literature, c) 
methodology, d) 
the student’s qualifications, e) availability of additional financial support, 
facilities, equipment 
and f) a timetable for completion of research and an explanation of how 
measurable results 
will be reported.
References cited section (not part of the three-page limit)
A detailed budget (not part of the three-page limit) The budget may include 
supplies; travel; 
room and board at study sites; equipment costs. Funds will not be awarded for 
administrative costs; or for purchase of computers.
A letter of support from the student’s primary research supervisor.
Post-Funding Requirements
Grant recipients must submit the results or evidence of progress of the 
research study within 
one year of funding via a written report in Word format or PDF file to the 
Board of Robert 
Cooper Audubon Society. Grant recipients will also be invited to make an oral 
presentation at 
one of the RCAS meetings during the year, or to the Board.
Proposals should be submitted via email to:
Sarah McKillip
RCAS President and Chair of Selection Committee

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