Faculty Position Opening in Environmental Informatics
School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan

The School of Natural Resources and Environment (SNRE) at the University 
of Michigan (UM) seeks applicants for a full-time, nine-month visiting 
instructional faculty position (non tenure-track) in Environmental 
Informatics.  The candidate will teach up to four graduate courses 
(approximately 100% effort)  during the fall 2016 and winter 2017 
semesters, including NRE 531 “Principles of GIS” in the fall term or in 
both terms; NRE 534 Spatial Modeling in the fall term; and an additional 
course or courses in the candidate’s area of expertise.  Applicants 
should have experience in using and applying GIS and spatial analysis in 
the study of natural resources, geography, or natural science or social 
science related to environmental applications.  

NRE 531 “Principles of GIS” is a four credit course that involves three 
hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory sections per week. The aim 
of the course is to provide a firm understanding of the conceptual and 
technical issues that affect the use of geographic information for 
research and a variety of planning and management applications. Topics 
include maps and projections, raster and vector data structures, 
database design and construction, and spatial analysis based on spatial 
proximity, overlay, neighborhoods, networks, terrain, and modeling.  
Weekly laboratory sections dovetail with concepts in lecture and will 
center on analysis of real-world problems and data using ArcGIS v10. In-
class examples and laboratory problems should focus on natural resource, 
environmental, and ecological issues and experiments.  For NRE 531, the 
candidate will supervise one to two (depending on enrollment) graduate 
student instructors (GSIs) who will instruct the laboratory sections.  
For other courses, the candidate will instruct both lecture and 
laboratory components.  NRE 534 Spatial Modeling explores various 
approaches to modeling landscape pattern and change. The focus is on 
understanding, describing, and predicting the two-dimensional patterns 
of land-use and land-cover that are observable in map-based depictions 
of landscapes. The course includes social and ecological processes and 
applications of statistical and computational models and GIS-based land 
modeling approaches, always with a geographical focus, including 7-8 
exercises. Students completing the course will be able to evaluate the 
trade-offs associated with use of a particular modeling approach within 
a given situation, and to implement (at least minimally) several of the 
approaches discussed.  

SNRE’s mission is to contribute to the protection of the Earth’s 
resources and the achievement of a sustainable society.  The School 
contributes new scientific knowledge, visionary leadership, and trained 
professionals toward that end.  The faculty of the School is diverse, 
with natural scientists, social scientists, engineers, and designers 
working collectively in an integrative setting.  A professional school 
set within a major research university, SNRE provides a model of 
interdisciplinary and applied research and a focal point of research and 
teaching on sustainability.  The successful candidate should possess the 
broad interests, skills, and temperament to interact effectively with 
faculty and graduate students across a wide range of disciplines.

Applicants must have completed all coursework and be PhD candidates in 
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), geography, natural resources, 
environmental sciences, or a closely related discipline.  Desired 
qualifications include a completed PhD degree, postdoctoral experience, 
teaching experience, and experience in conducting and publishing 
research in environmental informatics or a related field.  Depending on 
the successful candidate’s qualifications and current position, the 
position will be filled at the visiting assistant professor (non tenure-
track) or Lecturer 1 level.  

Applications should include a cover letter, CV, a research paper, and a 
concise (1 page) statement describing your vision and approach to 
teaching environmental informatics courses in an interdisciplinary 
setting.  Three letters of reference should be sent under separate cover 
to snre.j...@umich.edu with the applicant’s name it the subject line.

To apply, submit application materials (in a single PDF file), via the 
following web address:  http://snre.umich.edu/form/faculty-nre-531-

Review of applications will begin on March 1, 2016 and will continue 
until a suitable candidate is hired.  The position is expected to be 
filled by September 1, 2016.  This position may be subject to the 
university LEO contract.  

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity employer, 
and individuals from under-represented groups are encouraged to apply.

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