Muy buenas noches, fellow Ecologists!

Oscar Jesus Damián Baldeón is a Park Ranger in the service of SERNANP, the 
Peruvian National Park Service. He is a college-trained forester and 
environmental scientist, an interpreter to the public, and one of only a few 
Rangers who watch over the Reserva Nacional de Junín: the Junín National 
Reserve, on the Altiplano of central Perú.  Lake Junín is the largest and 
highest lake wholly within the boundaries of Perú, and together with its 
surrounding wetlands, it is a one-of-a-kind, spectacular, and (sadly) 
threatened natural landscape. Lake Junín is rich in wildlife, including many 
species of beautiful birds. Pristine for millennia, the lake has recently been 
threatened by contamination from mining activities in the nearby mountains. The 
small farming and ranching communities that surround the lake are concerned 
about this pollution, and striving to establish a sustainable program of 
environmental preservation and ecotourism that can both protect the lake and 
improve the regional economy.  Oscar—a native of the region, a knowledgeable 
naturalist and teacher, and a young, energetic idealist—is deeply invested in 
this effort already, working together with scientists and with the community. 
But the more professional experience he is able to accrue, the more he is able 
to contribute!

Oscar has received an invitation to travel to Colorado, U.S.A., from May 21st – 
June 5th to participate in the 8th World Ranger Congress and Curso 
Internacional para Capacitación de Guardaparques, a gathering of Park Rangers 
from around the world to share ideas, learn, and bring new beneficial knowledge 
back to their home parks. Oscar’s supervisors endorse his trip, but as with 
many governmental agencies in the developing world, SERNANP does not have the 
funds to send him. Oscar needs a total of $3500.00 for airfare and subsistence 
in order to travel from Perú to Colorado.  All funds raised will go directly to 
Oscar's travel expenses.

 We are colleagues and friends of Oscar who call upon those who love Perú 
(perhaps you've traveled there, or plan to, some day?) and on those who support 
environmental protection and biodiversity around the world to contribute to 
help Peruvian Park Ranger Oscar Jesus Damián Baldeón make this very important 
trip to learn from the global community of Rangers and bring his knowledge back 
home to Lake Junín.

You can make a donation at: 

¡Muchas gracias!

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