The University of Alabama has several exciting opportunities available for 
students to pursue a Ph.D. 
degree in The Plant Physiological Ecology / Global Change Lab at the University 
of Alabama 
( We seeks highly motivated graduates students to work 
on one of three active 
research areas:  

1)      Water Use Efficiency of Cellulose based Biofuels
2)      Climate and water management effects on the carbon, water and energy 
dynamics Everglades    
3)      Understanding the winter physiology of Arctic Plants  

The students may apply for the Ph.D. programs within the Department of 
Biological Sciences. The 
student's research interests should focus on plant ecophysiology, ecosystem 
physiology, or plant 
ecology. To be eligible for positions, interested students must meet the 
graduate admission 
requirements of the University of Alabama and have competitive GPA and GRE 
scores.  In addition, 
Applicants for these positions should have a strong understanding of 
photosynthetic equipment, eddy 
covariance techniques and data loggers. In addition, applicants should have 
strong analytical and 
quantitative skills and knowledge of SAS and/or R programming. Applicants with 
previous research 
experiences and/or a Masters degree in biogeochemistry, ecophysiology, or 
atmospheric sciences would 
be favored for the position. Support is by research and/or teaching 
assistantships with summer funding 
opportunities (Dependent on the area of research interest).  
Interested students should send a copy of their CV, statement of research 
interest, and unofficial copy 
of transcripts to Dr. Gregory Starr or contact Dr. Starr for more details 
( or 205-348-

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